Chapter 63

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I woke up disoriented and such. I tried to move, but I found that my hands and feet were bound. Opening up my eyes I took in the poorly lit room. The ceiling light was swinging from side to side and the creaking sound it was making made me annoyed. The door to my left opened up and in walked an unfamiliar man.

"I'm sorry about this; I didn't know you were pregnant." He released me and helped me to stand on my feet. "Follow me." I obeyed and silently walked behind him. We stopped in a kitchen, and the man pulled out a chair for me.

Sitting down cautiously, I never took my eyes off of him as he sat down oposite me. "My name is Chinua Hassan. I am the heir to my father's trading company. You've already met my siblings Temidire, Oladele, Azubuike and his wife Obioma." All I could do was nod.

Food was brought in for us, but I inspected it first. Chinua laughed at my actions. "Don't worry, it's not poisoned." I searched his eyes for the truth, and once I was satisfied I dug in. "Is it to your liking." I smiled and nodded to him. "You don't talk much, do you?"

I opened my mouth to answer him when I was interrupted by Temidire bursting through the room. His eyes held a fury, I've seen too often in this dangerous profession. "Why is she here when I ordered for her death hours ago?" He growled at his brother.

"She is not to be harmed." Chinua threatened calmly, but his brother ignored him. As he stalked up to me, I subtly gripped the knife in my palm waiting for his attack. He kicked my chair out from under me, and I swooped my leg down tripping him in the process.

Temidire quickly rose to his feet and back handed me, causing the knife to slip out of my hand. I started to feel nauseous, but I wouldn't let that deter me. He grabbed my throat and I did a counterstrike getting out of his grip and flipping him onto the floor. The rage only grew in his eyes.

"Temidire..." Chinua warned him again, but his brother pressed on in disobedience. He charged at me, and I slid underneath his legs and quickly jumped on his back. Temidire was losing control as he slammed me through the glass door repeatedly until it broke and we both fell through.

Shards of glass cut me on my arms and back. My hold on him loosened as I grew weaker. "Don't leave me, Eomma!" Mocha's voice rang through my head, giving me a newfound strength. I kicked Temidire off me and climbed on top of him with a large piece of glass raised above my head.

Just as I was about to end his life, a female came and tased me. Chinua yelled at them and rose to his feet as I fell over in shock. Everything had gone quiet except for the ringing in my ears. I tried to stand up; I had to get back to my family alive. My knees gave out, but Chinua caught me. 

"Adeola and Temidire enough!" Chinua growled out.

"She killed Oladele, Obioma and Azubuike, and you're protecting her!" Adeola seethed. "Death is the only thing she'll receive from me."

"They planned to kill me first all because Azubuike took an interest in me. I warned them, but they proceeded anyway. That's hardly my fault." I breathed out as an electric shock pulsed through my body.

"We have guests arriving in a few, go and get ready." Temidire and Adeola finally obeyed their older brother and exited the dining area. "I apologize on their behalf. I have prepared for you a bath with some new clothes."

I grimaced in gratitude, because smiling hurt too much. Chinua took me to a grand room and closed the door behind me. I kept my guard up just in case his siblings would try something.

I stepped out of the room wearing a pretty tribal dress. I let my afro out and slipped into some cute sandals. As I opened the door, Chinua turned around and smiled. "You are very beautiful, Mrs. Park. Shall we?" He offered his arm, and I gladly took it.

Making our way into the living room, I was happy to see Roman, Michael, Grayson, Gio and Piero. They looked up upon our arrival and stood to embrace me. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?"

"Chinua has been a very great host." I smiled as the tears threatened to spill over. "I'm so happy to see you guys." Grayson pulled me behind him once the other 2 siblings walked in.

"You're letting her go after what she did?" Temidire glared at me. The guys shielded me from them which only enraged Temidire more.

"She does not belong here. I already told you that no harm will come to her. What  Azubuike, Obioma and Oladele did was soley on them. They were warned that if they break the treaty with the Stroganoff's they were on their own." Chinua explained.

Oh so I guess Anatoly really was targeted after all. "I apologize for the sins of my family. Monique is free to go, but I would like to discuss some business with you." Chinua directed to Roman.

"Take her to the car." Roman said to Gio, as the others stayed back. 

Walking out into the sun filled me with peace. "Thank you for coming." I glanced over at Gio as he opened the car door for me.

"You're family, Moe. Of course we would come for you, especially after we received that call from Mocha-Sarang." Gio hugged me.

"How are they?" I asked, referring to my family. 

"Worried, but they're safe." Being away from my family for 2 days, not knowing what would happen to me, definitely made me shift my priorities. We sat in the backseat and I rested my head on Gio's shoulder, quickly falling to sleep.


I was awakened by Roman. "We're here." He smiled. I stretched my body and got out of the car on shaky legs. Being tased hurts. "I'll do an ultrasound on you and then I'll take you to the safe house where your family is waiting."

"Thank you... for everything." He wiped at my tears and guided me inside his hospital. It turns out my son is a fighter. He sustained no damaged at all. But I was dehydrated from being tied up for 2 days. Roman hooked an i.v into my arm, bandaged me up, gave me some pain pills (that wouldn't harm the baby) and then drove me to the safe house when I was hydrated enough.

As soon as my feet touched the ground Mocha and Joon Young ran outside and hugged me. "Eomma!!" Mocha cried out as she crashed into me. 

"Thank God you're okay! I was so worried." Joon Young sighed upon my lips after he kissed me.

When all was said and done Roman smiled at us. Mocha ran up to him and hugged him. "Thank you so much! I love you, Uncle R."

Roman picked up Mocha and poked at her nose. "Anything for my favorite niece." She scrunched up her nose, and Roman chuckled in amusement. "Stay here for a couple of days while I check on things. I'll call you when it's safe to go back home."

"Go inside with Mocha. I'll only be a few minutes." Joon Young whispered as he kissed my cheek. Roman set Mocha on her feet and she ran to me. Taking her hand, I guided her inside the house and waited for Joon Young. 

Ten minutes later he walked through the door and embraced me. "Don't ever do that to me again."

"I promise." 

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