Chapter 22

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"I'm sorry, but Roman will be joining us in a few. He was held up in a meeting." A woman says coming in from the door on the right. I notice her blood stained hands right away.

"Macy?" I say walking over to her. "Are you ok? What happened? Why are you bleeding?" I try to examine her hands, but she snatches them out of my hold.

Macy looks at me and grins sadistically. "Macy is dead. She has been for 3 years now." She shows me her neck and I gasp in horror. Taking a step back I point to her, but only one word comes out of my mouth.


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Roman's POV:

Ever since Monique had gone to the states for her interview with Oprah I've had this nagging sense in the back of my mind. No matter how hard I try I just can't shake the feeling that something big is about to go down. It's only been a day, but I pack my bags and head to the airport. It's a good thing I sent Dongho after her last night.

My phone rang, and as I answered it my suspicions were confirmed. "We have a problem!!!! Oprah knows about Vladimir's death! How is it that she knows about his death when the entire world was led to believe that he's serving life in prison?" Monique whisper/yelled into the phone.

Damn! I knew something was up. "You need to leave right now!"

"Why? What's wrong?" Monique started to panick.

"Gio get the jet ready for take off. Grayson send men to guard Tasha, JK, Bizzy and Veronica. This is urgent!!! Michael come with me." I yelled to my security team.

"Roman, talk to me!" Monique cried out.

"Mo, listen to me. Gather your belongings and leave undetected. Can you do that for me?" Hearing her in distress I softened my tone.

"I... I can try." She sniffled.

"Good. Now once you open the door make a right turn. Go down the hall and in 500 feet turn left." Little did she know I constructed this building. I know every nook and cranny of the inside and outside.

"Uh, Roman! There's nothing here! It's just a brick wall. Do you even know where you're going? Wait! How is it that you know the blueprint of the inside of this building? You know what? It doesn't matter. Get me out of here!" Time was running out for Monique.

"She's missing from her dressing room." A male voice sounded off from a walkie-talkie.

"Well find her! She needs to be on stage in 2 minutes for the great reveal. Someone paid a hefty price to be able to expose Ms. Reid on live television." Another male voice said in response.

A female guard spoke up next. "Yes drama! I'm curious to know if she actually killed him herself or she's just covering up for someone. Either way, it'll make for juicy gossip... Guys, wait up!!!"

"Hello? Mo, are you still there?" "Mhm." "Ok, I need you to walk straight into the wall." I know who's behind this.

"Roman, now is not the time for games. The guards are closing in on me. They said something about someone had paid a hefty price just to have me exposed on national television." Good, she was mad. I hope she uses that anger to propel her forward. "What now?"

"When you reach the end of the corridor make a left. Follow that until you come upon a fork in the road. Take a right. Hurry, Mo! You don't have much time!" I spoke with urgency. "When you come upon a door with a keypad let me know."

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