Chapter 9

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I walk over to the corner and slide down the wall crying my eyes out. 10 minutes later a guard comes in the room. I cower away in fear, hoping the wall will somehow tuck me away. The guard sees this and stops. I finally muster up the courage to look at him and notice it's the same guard who protected me from the drunken assailant. He leaves and comes back with some tissues to wipe my face and a first aid kit.

"I'm sorry about before... We're not all like that." His voice is velvety and his Korean accent is rich like chocolate. He reaches out his hand and I flinch. The security guard runs his fingers through his silky black hair. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help... it's not safe for you here."

I keep quiet and stare at the ground that's collecting my blood. "We've all seen what happened. I know the blonde haired woman started it. We have it all on camera. My boss knew your life would be in jeopardy, so he had us come and remove you. And he was right too..." My tears keep protesting as they fall to their death on the concrete floor.

"I'm going to get you out of here." This catches my attention. "My boss has released you from custody, and he has sent me to drive you home." The security guard says.

"What's your name?" I whisper after 5 minutes of hearing him talk.

"Tae Joon-ho." He looks at me and smiles. "And what is your name, beautiful?"

I blush at his comment. "Monique Reid, but you can call me Mo."

"Well Mo, how about I bandage you up and we get going?" Joon-ho asks extending his hand out to me. I reluctantly take it and he pulls me to my feet. Joon-ho examines my arm and clicks his tongue. "That's a nasty wound. You'll need to get stitches."

Joon-ho's walkie-talkie goes off. He responds back in Korean and looks at me. I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut as he disinfects the wound and wraps a bandage around it. "All done!" I open my eyes to Joon-ho's smiling face. "The Boss wants to see you. Your family is waiting for you."

"Is it safe..." I point to the door. "... out there?" Looking at the shadow pass underneath the door I'm filled with fear again.

His eyes follow mine. "Don't worry, that's my brother Tae Dongho. He's here to escort you as well." I nod and stand as close to Joon-ho as I can get without tripping him up. He looks back and smiles. The door opens, and I hide myself further behind him.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Dongho says to Joon-ho. He notices me and smiles, which puts me at ease. They're twins.

"Monique Reid meet my brother Tae Dongho." Joon-ho introduces us and I smile.

"Monique Reid, as in the world renowned photographer?" I nod my head. Dongho gets all excited and then clears his throat. "We need to hurry up... A small angry crowd has gathered in the lobby." And my ease quickly fades away, and I start to panic.

They both glance back at me with worried filled eyes. "It's going to be okay. No one's going to hurt you again. I'll make sure of that." Joon-ho takes my hand in his, and I hiss at the pain radiating up my arm. He drops my hand. "Sorry."

"What the hell happened to your arm?" Dongho points to it. I look at it and see the blood rapidly seeping through the bandage. I'm feeling weak, and I think they notice. "Forget seeing the boss we need to get you to a hospital."

Dongho beeps his boss on the walkie-talkie and we quickly make our way to the car. "It burns.... my arm is on fire!!!" I yell out in pain. This gets the attention of the angry mob. At the front of the crowd is the drunken maniac who stabbed me. He yells out and charges at me; the other drunken idiots follow suit.

Joon-ho calls for help as they take down the rioters. I try to stumble my way to the door, but I'm caught in the cross fire. The drunken maniac manages to cut me again on the same arm. He tackles me to the ground, and I scream out in agony. More guards come and restrain the drunken crowd.

I'm too weak to fight back, and I've lost too much blood with this additional gash on my arm. In an instant the guy is thrown off of me. My vision goes hazy as someone picks me up. Their voices start to get muffled, and I pass out.

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