Chapter 41

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Mo's POV:

Roman turned to us with wide watery eyes. His emotions confused me. "You're pregnant." He smiled widely. "Congratulations!"

My mouth moved on its own accord, but I couldn't hear a word. I was in a daze... Pregnant... I was finally pregnant again. Fear gripped me and tried to drown me. Feelings of guilt erupted within my heart. I wasn't strong enough to carry our last child, why should I be granted favor to carry this one?

Stuck in the depths of my own prison I heard a sound that shook the prison walls and unlocked the door of my cell. Our baby's heartbeat. It was strong- strong enough to pull me out of self-condemnation. It was enough to give me back my joy. "I'm so happy! Thank you, God!!!"

It was as if I was in my own world of bliss. Nothing could reign on parade. I was literally on cloud 9. As Joon Young and I rode home I couldn't contain the smile that graced my lips. He grasped my hand, intertwining our fingers and kissed the back of it. "I love you!"

This was the life.


1 month later:

The side effects decided to kick in. I rushed to the bathroom and emptied out my stomach contents as Joon Young held my hair back. "That's it, just breathe..." He massaged my back as I finished dry heaving. We finally made it into to 2nd trimester and I couldn't be happier, but this morning sickness was kicking my butt.

Joon Young helped me up off the floor and handed me my toothbrush with toothpaste already on it. "Thanks..." I responded weakly. After brushing my teeth I got dressed with Joon Young's help again. Lately I've been feeling super tired, super horny and super hungry all the time. I can't seem to balance the 3.

Today we had another appointment with Roman. I was glad that Joon Young decided to stay by my side when dealing with Roman. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. My belly grew too; it's the cutest thing. "Are you ready, babe?" I yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Joon Young made his way downstairs looking rather delicious. I licked my lips as my hormones went on a rampage. He made eye contact with me and furrowed his brows in concern. "Jagiya, gwenchana?"

All I could do was attack his lips in response. "10 minutes..." I practically dragged him to the couch. Once we were both satisfied we made our way to the private hospital, but on the way there hunger hit me full force. "Babe, I'm hungry. Feed me please?" He shook his head no. "Baby please? I don't think I'll survive!"

Did I mention that I've become extremely theatrical since my hormones went haywire?

"No eating before the appointment." I pouted and started to cry. "Jagiya, you know you can't eat yet. Please don't cry." Joon Young sighed as I sniffled. "We'll get you and the baby some food once we're done; I promise." I turned to the window and fell asleep within minutes.


"Yeobo, we're here." Joon Young mumbled.

"Food?" I jumped up excited only to have my hopes instantly crushed. "UGH! I'M GONNA DIE OF STARVATION!!!" I yelled as Joon Young shook his head and chuckled. "Carry me please? I feel weak in the knees."

"Come on, Princess." He carried me bridal style into the building and I wrapped my arms around his neck in happiness.

"Saranghae!" I whispered before I kissed his cheek. He blushed and I decided to poke his cheek in amusement. "The way you change colors is so fascinating..." He laughed again as a nurse guided us to an empty room.

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