Chapter 52

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Joon Young's POV:

Roman and I had gone back to the restaurant where I had seen the guy with the scorpion tattoo. The others were meeting us there. The guy wasn't there, but I wasn't surprised. "Oh you just missed him. He left not even two minutes ago." The waitress from earlier said.

We ran out the back, and I was surprised to see that Grey had already caught him. Roman grabbed the guy's wrist and turned it over to reveal a scorpion tattoo. But Roman noticed another tattoo buried beneath it. He lifted his own wrist and traced the outline of his tattoo. "Piero?" Grayson, Gio and Michael gasped at the name. "Piero is that really you? I thought you were dead. How... how is this possible?"

"Who's Piero?" Joon-ho asked.

"He's the youngest brother of the Stroganoff family." Anatoly blurted out. We all turned to look at him and he shrugged. "When your families are enemies, you make it your business to know everything about them."

Piero looked at Roman with longing. His eyes spoke of years of pain and brotherly love. I've come to know that the deeper you go with the Stroganoff's the more mysterious they become. "Why were you keeping an eye on my wife?"

He turned his eyes in my direction and smirked. "She's very exotic. I haven't seen such beauty so up close in a very long time."

"If you touch her, much less look at her, it'll be the last thing you do." I growled out as we stared at each until Piero was the first to look away.

Piero looked back at me with a sadness that was all too familiar. "I have no intentions of harming your wife. I only want what's mine, and she has it."

"Which would be what exactly?" Dongho chimed in.

"My birthright, of course; the money Vladimir gave to her belongs to me. Before our parents' death they took me out of the will, because of my bad behavior. So now that my dear eldest brother is finally gone I'm reclaiming my inheritance." Roman chuckled at his brother's statement. "Is there something funny that I missed?"

Roman inched closer to his brother and the fire was ignited in his eyes. "Because of you my wife is in jail, and if I find out that you're the one who killed Mr. Macario you can kiss any hope of reclaiming your inheritance goodbye." Piero was about to speak again when Roman cut his eye at him. "Besides," he said smiling, "our parents aren't dead. They've been waiting for you to come home all of these years. But first you've got some explaining to do. Now start talking."

"I did not kill Mr. Macario. When I visited him he was already dead, but it's a good thing that I snatched the only copy of his surveillance tape." Grey released his hold on Piero. "I also dug up some dirt on Mr. Macario, in case I had to blackmail him into giving me my inheritance. Apparently, our dear friend Mr. Macario owed a debt to two certain people of the law, and he promised them Vladimir's money. What he didn't count on was Vladimir changing his will the night before his death."

"Did you watch the tape yet?" Gio asked. Piero shook his head no. "Do you have the tapes on you right now? I have equipment in my car. Follow me." We all followed Gio to the black hummer parked in the very back of the restaurant. He put the tape in and we all watched in suspense. The moment we left and passed Piero in the hallway came up on one of the screens.

In the far right corner of the screen was a video of two people coming out of closet. Had they been there the entire time? "Look there." I pointed to the screen I was watching. "Now tell me who those two people look like to you?" I watched as Officer Kang and Officer Go came out of the closet. They argued with Mr. Macario and then stabbed him with a pen. Officer Go noticed the cameras and freaked out. They didn't have time to retrieve them, because Piero was at the door.

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