Chapter 30

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Bizzy's POV:

How could I let her slip through my fingertips like smoke in the air?

"You've lost me for good this time, Joon Young." Her words are a tragedy to my ears. I had to come and save her. Hell would freeze over before I allowed her to die again. But seeing her kissing all over Yongguk made my blood boil, and before I knew it I punched him in the face, forgetting why I came to her rescue in the first place.

I didn't mean for it to go that far. I tried to warn him to stay away from her otherwise he'd get himself killed. These hired thugs from the Russian Mafia mean business; they will carry out their Boss's orders even if it kills them in the end. Their loyalties know no bounds, and Yongguk is too important to Mo to die.

No matter how close they appear to be I just can't see myself without her. I screwed up bad, but it was the only logical solution I could agree with at that moment. There were too many things going on at once; I was boxed in with no way out. It's been torture these 6 months without Mo by my side.

In 2 days we take out the head of the Russian Mafia. Am I scared? Yes, but I'm doing this for Mo. She shouldn't have to keep looking over her shoulder for something she didn't do.


Memory of Last Night:

The November air was cold as I made my way to down to Roman's pub. Drinking away my problems wasn't the solution, but hey it was a start. I am so nervous about this mission. What if something goes wrong? What if they already know we're coming, and we end up getting ambushed? At least I can die in peace knowing that Yongguk is a suitable partner for Mo and that she finally knows that I will love her forever.

"What's on your mind, bro?" JK says as he pours me my 10th shot of soju

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"What's on your mind, bro?" JK says as he pours me my 10th shot of soju.

"What's on your mind, bro?" JK says as he pours me my 10th shot of soju

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I down the shot glass and wince before I make eye contact with him. "I don't wanna die... Mo.... I love her with all of my heart. I do; Aish I screwed up again!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down! No one's gonna die any time soon." JK tries to reassure me. "Have you tried making amends with Mo?"

The room spins for a moment before I catch my bearings. "2 hours ago for her birthday..." I hiccup.

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