Not An Update

60 4 29

Hey, peeps.
So, I've been gone for a while... a lot has happened...

I had a water blister the size of a nickel on my ankle. Once that healed a week later, 3 more appeared. Thankfully they're all gone now.

I grew in love with a man... only for him to string me along and reject me for a desperate girl. I have standards, and I wouldn't settle. He wanted something that wouldn't challenge him to rise up and grow. He settled for "convenience."

It hurt. I mean, I wasn't even looking for love when he came, and for me to even give him a chance was a big step for me.

During this process of healing and cleansing him from my spirit, I'm trying so hard not to put a wall around my heart again.

The introvert in me wants to lock herself away from the world, but I know I can't do that again...

On top of that... I really hurt my back again lol... I'm avoiding the doctors and the chiropractor and trying home remedies...

Anywho, so with that said and done, I'm now at a standstill with my story 'A Shot At Love."

Who wants to see Mo and Bizzy get back together?

Who wants them to stay apart?

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