Chapter 5

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{Photoshoot with MFBTY}

A couple of days had passed since Jordan's birthday party, and Bizzy and I have been talking nonstop. I was on my way to the location for the MFBTY photoshoot; it was 11 in the morning and I really just wanted to go back to sleep. I arrive at the location 10 minutes later, with 20 minutes to set up my equipment.

Some of the staff are looking at their phone and then at me. I don't pay them any mind, even after they began pointing and whispering in my direction. Curiosity is getting the best of me and I walk over to where they are. Before I have to chance to ask them why they're pointing a woman intercepts me.

"You must be Tasha's cousin Mo." I look from her to the other 2 girls, who have stopped their conversation to listen in on mine. I nod my head and make my way back over to my station. "My name is Min Kyung-hee." The woman says. She has to be 30 years my senior.

"Hello." I say keeping the conversation to a minimum. My clients walk in on time, cutting the woman off from further investigating my life. "It was nice meeting you Mrs. Min Kyung-hee." She takes the hint and leaves. I walk up to the group and embrace them. The stylists take them away and I go make sure everything is okay.

When Bizzy comes out my mouth drops. I turned around to wipe the drool from the corners of my mouth. He was my first shot for the day. With each click of the camera he captures a little piece of my heart. I laugh at some of his poses. We work really well together.

While he goes to change JK and Tasha come out. Tasha winks at me. "I see you and Bizzy are getting closer." My eyes glaze over as I reminisce about our late night phone calls. "Oh look, she's blushing."

"Shut up and get in position." I laugh rolling my eyes. Once I finish with them Jordan is brought out. "Hey, Pumpkin. I love your style!" He hugs me then joins his parents. I get some single shots with him as well. He's too cute!

As JK, Tasha and Bizzy are getting ready for the last shoot the manager for BTS comes up to me and gives me his card. He's seen my work and he wants me to photograph the boys for their upcoming song "Run." Of course I tell him that I'll call him to set up the date. He leaves but not before checking me out.

Bizzy sees this from a distance but misunderstands the situation. He starts ignoring me when I try and talk to him before the shoot begins. I just focus on the task at hand when the others join us. An hour later and I wrap up the shoot. I congratulate everyone on a great job and pack up my things.

Bizzy brushes passed me, and I get fed up with his ways. I barge into his dressing room and demand that he talks to me. He tries to leave but I turn him around. His back hits the door and I box him in with my hands. I take the card out and explain what happened.

"That was BTS manager and he wants to hire me for a job with the boys on their single 'Run.' I breathe out frustrated, yet I'm completely turned on by his jealousy.

He looks down and then back at me. It takes me by surprise when he kisses me on my lips. "I'm so sorry. Let me make it up to you." I nod not trusting my voice after that. He kisses my lips and forehead 1 more time before we walk out holding hands.


MFBTY (My Fan Better Than Yours) in picture up top.

A Shot At Love [MFBTY- Bizzy AMBW]Where stories live. Discover now