Chapter 49

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I walked into Mr. Macario's office surprised to see Macy there as well. I let go of the breath I was holding and offered her a genuine smile. "Thank you." I whispered softly to her. She simply nodded and helped me into a chair.

"I'm acting as your lawyer today. So allow me to handle everything." She whispered. I nodded as the meeting proceeded.


"Mrs. Park, thank you for coming at such short notice. At Vladimir's request I've drawn up papers for you to sign in order for me to release his funds to you." He slid the packet across the table, and Macy picked it up instead. I took notice of the slight twitch playing at the edges of Mr. Macario's mouth. "I think you'll find everything to your liking." He said turning his attention towards me again.

I smiled at the older man and looked towards Macy as she thoroughly read through the files. "Would the both of you like something to drink?" Macy didn't stop what she was doing when she declined his offer. His piercing blue eyes slowly made their way up my body until they finally landed on my face. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and shook my head.

There was no way that I was drinking or eating anything around him. The last time I let my guard down Vladimir poisoned me and killed my baby. "No thank you."

"Very well then." Mr. Macario stood up, walked to his desk and pulled out a bottle of Sambuca. The clear liquid flowed into the glass like water, and I dreaded the memories the smell brought along with it. I was very familiar with the drink. Back when I left South Korea for a year Sambuca became my listening ear and comforter. With each drink I consumed, the deeper I lost myself within its poisonous grips.

I could feel myself getting lost in another memory, and I tightly closed my eyes shut to prevent another episode. That was an embarrassment I couldn't bear to live with. People already look at me like I'm a helpless case, and I don't need anyone else's pity. Feeling his haunting eyes on me I turned my head to the left to watch Macy in action. She was a sight to behold. Seeing her in her element caused me to miss photography.

"There seems to be a mistake. It says Mrs. Park is to receive 10 billion dollars instead of 3 million. Is this correct?" Macy finally lifted her head to stare at Mr. Macario.

"Uh yeah." He was clearly caught staring at me full of lust, and Macy was not having any of it. Clearing his throat he nodded once more. "Yes, this is what Vladimir wanted. He came to me the night before his death and changed the amount; I swear."

Macy packed her things and stood up; I automatically followed suit. She glared hard at Mr. Macario, and now it was his turn to shift uncomfortably. "Look, if you can't do your job properly without trying to hit on my client then the Stroganoff family will find someone more professional who can. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, very much so, Mrs. Stroganoff." His gaze landed on me again but it was much softer this time around. "I apologize for offending you, Mrs. Park." Sweat was forming on his brow and I had to turn my head to keep in my laughter.

Macy had seen this and held in her own chuckle. "Good." She helped me to sit down before she took to her seat again. "Now, everything looks perfect, so once Mrs. Park signs this I trust you to deliver on time."

The look on my face told me that he was scared of Macy. Hell, he was probably scared of Vladimir too. I don't blame him; Vladimir could be very intimidating when he wanted to be. I shook my head to clear my thoughts of Vladimir. As the pen was placed in my hand I followed Macy's instructions on where to sign.

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