Chapter 43

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Mo's POV:

Everything hurt. My head, my heart, my body... My mind was hollow as I stared down the barrel of the gun he was holding. How did it come to this? Why me; out of all people why me? I did nothing too bad in my lifetime to deserve the hand I've been dealt.

I was always respectful, going to church faithfully. I had a great relationship with God and my family. I was dedicated to always giving 100% on my job. Why do bad things happen to good people? I can't blame God for this... I won't blame Him. We all have a free will, and this man... this monster... has chosen to walk in evil.


20 Minutes Earlier:

Anatoly stood up as we all heard movement coming from the backyard. This is it, isn't it? It's all come down to this. "They're here..." He whispered. The guys drew their weapons as me, Tasha and Veronica went upstairs to hide. "Let's put an end to this."

I placed my foot on the second step when my husband grabbed my wrist and turned me around. He met me halfway and pulled me into a deep hug. "Hide yourself in the panic room. When this is all done I'll come for you."

"Promise?" I looked into his eyes as he wiped my stray tears away.

"I promise." Joon Young kissed me and unwillingly tore himself away from me. He reached under the coffee table and pulled out a couple of guns. The last thing I had seen was Joon Young's side profile as I ran up the stairs carefully. The back door was kicked in as I maneuvered my way to the panic room located in the nursery.

"Mo, hurry up!" Tasha ushered me into the room and closed the door. She opened the wall mirror to reveal the steel door to the panic room. I placed my finger on the scanner and the door opened. Veronica and Tasha went in first, and just as I was about to go in someone took me by the throat and slammed me on the ground, knocking the air out of my lungs.

The panic room door closed automatically and locked me out. Someone kicked me in my stomach hard; I doubled over in pain. Groaning I opened my eyes to reveal Vladimir standing over me. He grabbed my throat and pulled me up. He took out his gun and pistol whipped me. "Payback never felt sweeter."

"Grow up already! If you're doing this to get back at me for beating you up at Anatoly's then you're dummer than I thought. After the hell you put me through I'd say you got off easy." I growled, wiping my busted lip. This cat and mouse game of his was getting old. I'm done being his muse.

I was slammed up against the wall a second later. My head had hit my wedding pictures, cracking the glass. "Your disrespect is getting on my last nerves." Vladimir pointed the gun directly at me. "I should've ended your life a long time ago... maybe then I could've been free of you...."

He started this whole speech, but by then I had already tuned him out. My ears wouldn't stop ringing and my head was throbbing bad. My body was worn out, and my energy exhausted. This pregnancy is taking all my strength.


Present Time:

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?" He yelled at me.

The anger in his voice jarred me from my thoughts. I could still hear the commotion downstairs. Shots fired, people yelling, things breaking.... my house. This was supposed to be our fresh start. How can we raise our baby in this danger? Our baby...

I touched my stomach, causing me to breathe sharply at the pain in my abdomen. There would definitely be a bruise there; I'm sure of it. He started talking to himself... rambling on and on about how I would pay. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. I could no longer only think about myself anymore. I had a precious innocent life to protect.

"Do you not fear me?" He furrowed his brows.

I looked him dead in his eyes and shrugged. "I don't fear you. I had given you too much power over me, but not anymore. You may be able to hurt my body, but you'll never be able to kill my soul."

"Vladimir..." I whispered, being cautious not to tip the scale and send him into a frenzy. "I forfeit. I'm not playing into your hands anymore. You have a fiancé, and you've been given another chance at love... don't make the same mistakes of your past."

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and I swear the temperature dropped rapidly in the room. I visibly shivered as a cold chill ran up my spine. "This is your fault! Had you not bewitched me I would not be standing here today... I want you, Monique. I can overlook the fact that you're pregnant by him," Vladimir spat in disgust, "and we can raise this baby together."

Flashbacks of my dream came rushing at me and I took a step back. I put my hands up and kept backing up slowly. "We can't do that. I'm happily married to Joon Young."

"Eh, happiness comes and goes, but I can give you security." He took a step closer to me.

I stopped and glared at him. "Security, you say?" I scoffed. "You're the main reason why I need protection in the first place! Don't you get it? None of this would've happened had you just controlled yourself. I could've been a mother 2 years ago had you not broke my body and weakened my heart..."

The tears were threatening to spill over, but I held my composure. Vladimir laughed. His laughed echoed off of the walls, and I truly wondered what happened to him to make him this way. "I guess you still don't know." His smirk turned deadly, and a feeling of dread wrapped me in its embrace. "I'm the one who killed your baby 2 years ago."

As he laughed again I zoned out. The ringing noise resounded in my ears again and I all saw was red. "How could you be so evil?" I cried out.

"As long as you're with him I will kill every child you conceive together!"  Vladimir closed the distance between us and wrapped his hands around my throat. He reached behind him and pulled out a syringe. My need to protect my child kicked in and I grabbed Vladimir by the balls and squeezed hard.

He cried out in pain and let me go. I then took my knee and bashed it into his face repeatedly. He fell over and the gun slipped from his hand. I went to grab it, but he kicked it away and tackled me to the bed. As he climbed on top of me he smashed his lips to mine. I struggled under his weight as he held my hands down.

"You taste like I've always imagined." As Vladimir bent down to kiss me again I headbutt him and punched him in the throat. Once he was distracted I kicked him, causing him to fall off the bed. I quickly got up, but felt dizzy from the sudden rush. I stumbled to find the gun.

Once I found it I grabbed hold of it and turned around to face him. He growled in anger and charged at me. I opened fired just as the bedroom door opened and someone embraced Vladimir. My entire body shook as I registered what just happened. I dropped the gun and fell to my knees in horror.

"I love you, Vladimir." The female whispered as she took the brunt of the blow. There was blood coming from her back. 

He looked down at her lovingly and kissed her. Crimnson kisses were exchanged as Vladimir held up a bloody hand to caress her cheek. "I love you too, Anna. I'm sorry it took so long to tell you."

She cried and gripped him tighter. "I'm pregnant..."


Anna- top pic

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