Chapter 40

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Joon Young's POV:

We walked into Romans office and took a seat. The atmosphere was tense, but neither of us said a word. Moments later Roman walked in. He was surprised to see me, but I wasn't leaving my wife alone with him. I've made that mistake twice; he kidnapped her the first time and gave her up to Stacy the second time.

"Joon Young, what a pleasant surprise to see you." Roman said flashing me his signature smile. I just nodded in return and grabbed Mo's hand. He noticed the gesture and his smile faltered. "What can I do for you?"

I cleared my throat and sat up straight, staring Roman right in the eyes. "I want to check my sperm count; I wanna make sure there are no problems."

"Okay, we can do that. If you would follow me please." Roman stood up and opened the door, but I remained in my seat.

Shaking my head I glanced at my wife. "I'm not leaving her."

"For this next part you have to..." Roman started to say, but I cut him off.

"I know what's required, but I don't need a magazine or movies for that. I have my wife right here." Mo blushed upon hearing my words.

Roman looked uncomfortable. "Very well then. May the both of you follow me please?" We stood up and followed him down a hall. He lead us a Roman and handed me a small cup with a lid. "I'll be in my office when you're done, and don't worry, the walls are soundproof."

Once he left Mo turned to me nervously. Why was she nervous? "Joon Young..." I kissed her and she immediately responded back.


After washing our hands we walked back into Roman's office. I handed him the cup and took it next door to the lab. He came back and waited by the door. "You should have your results in a couple of hours." He looked at Mo and she gripped my hand tightly.

Without a word she stood up taking me with her. I hugged her close to my body as Roman led us into another room. Mo got on the table and laid back. A tear slipped down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. Taking her hand I sat down in the chair next to her and kissed her cheek. "Hey, you got this. It's gonna be okay. I'm right here." I whispered to her.

Mo nodded her head and took a deep breath and exhaled. She lifted up her shirt as Roman put the gel on her stomach. She sucked in a sharp breath. "Sorry, the gel is cold." Mo looked at me and chuckled. I let go of the breath I was holding and smiled at her.

"Everything looks fine. Your insides have healed completely, and your test came back. Your ovaries are perfectly fine. Ovarian cancer has been ruled out. My only concern is your heart. Now it's a bit weak, but it still has some strength left. So..." Roman stopped talking and turned his attention back towards the screen when it started beeping.

"Oh my god! How did I miss this the last time?" He muttered to himself.

Mo began to panic, and I was on the verge of breaking down, but I had to be strong for her. "What is it? What's wrong?" I said trying to keep Mo calm.

He turned to us with wide watery eyes. "You're pregnant." He smiled widely. "Congratulations!"

"What? How far along am I?" Mo was shocked; I was speechless.

"3 months exactly." Roman stated.

"But how? I haven't had any symptoms? Are you sure?" I could hear the fear and excitement in her voice. We lost our first child at the end of her first trimester....

Roman shrugged. "That's actually quite common. Not every women experiences pregnancy the same, but I will get you on prenatal vitamins and monitor you weekly." He did something else and we could hear the most beautiful sound to ever grace our ears. "And that's your baby's heartbeat. We'll do another ultrasound in about 2 months to find out the gender." He cleaned the gel off of Mo and stood up. "I'll give you two some privacy. When you're done come see me in my office."

Neither of us said a word. We just looked at each other in astonishment, and then Mo burst out in tears. "I'm so happy! Thank you, God!!!"

I scooped her up in my arms and hugged her. "Oh my gosh! We're having a baby." I got down on my knees and kissed and wrapped my arms around her stomach. "You've just made me the happiest man in the entire world!!! I love you so much!"

"I love you too!" She breathed out while running her fingers through my hair. "Can we not...." I looked at her, but she looked away. "Can we not tell anyone about this until we pass the first trimester. I don't want to get our hopes up..."

I kissed her tear stained cheeks and stroked her back. "Don't worry. It's not good for the baby. Besides, you don't have to fear. I'll take great care of you and our baby. I'll handle everything. Don't you worry, just relax. Your man's got this. I love you."

Mo took my hand in hers and smiled. "I trust you. I love you." Roman gave us 2 pamphlets on pregnancy and the heart, along with Mo's prenatal vitamins.

"I'll see you two the same time next week." Roman said. We nodded and left the building. I opened the car door for her and buckled her in. She smirked at me being more overprotective than usual, but we had a tiny developing life to care for now. I looked up to the sky and thanked God for answering my prayers.

"Thank you, God for coming through. Now I ask the you would keep my wife and our baby safe, and help her to carry and deliver a healthy baby. I ask that you would strengthen her weakened heart and give her peace in exchange for her worry. Thank you again! In Jesus name. Amen!" Getting in the drivers seat I buckled up and started off towards our house.

This is the start to the best days of the rest of our lives.

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