Chapter 35

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Mo's POV:

“STOP!” I yelled out. “Let him go.” Petrov didn't like being told what to do. He smacked me so hard I started seeing stars. What's with all of these guys thinking I'll just let them beat me without fighting back? Oh, I calculated just how badly I'd make them suffer. “You’ll pay for that.”

Petrov roughly grabbed my chin and I involuntarily whimpered in pain. “I'm looking forward to it." He signaled to his guards. "Come. Bring the traitor with you.” A bag was placed over Anatoly's head. Petrov's hands groped my breasts and flashbacks of his son Alexei sexually assaulting me invaded my mind. “Ah, here we are. Tie him up.”

I watched helplessly as Petrov forced Anatoly onto a chair, while ordering his men to tie his hands and feet together. “Let’s play a game of Russian Roulette, shall we?” His breath fanned my ear and I jerked back in disgust.

“Let’s not and say we did.” I replied sarcastically. That earned me another smack. “I’m tired of you putting your hands on me. Touch me again, and I’ll break your fingers.”

I was the least one you'd expect to initiate violence, but something had to be done. I'd have to be the one to finish it, because Roman and Vladimir were too incompetent to do it themselves.

As Anatoly snickered Petrov finally confronted his son. “Ty napominayesh' mne o vashey materi. Ona smeyalas' za moy schet tozhe, i ya ubil yeye. Nadeyus', na etot raz vy budete ostavat'sya mertvym. Gun. (You remind me of your mother. She laughed at my expense too, and I killed her. Hopefully this time you'll stay dead. Gun.)”

Whatever he said broke Anatoly. I knew that look all too well.

I was left unguarded for the most part. I looked around and weighed my options, but I had to act fast as the guard standing beside me placed a gun in my Petrov’s hand. The safety clicked off. Ok, it was now or never. Elbowing the guard to my left in the gut I slid over his launched back and kicked the next guard in his baby maker. While he was distracted I stole his weapon and hid it in my waistband.

“STOP! Take me in his place.” Quickly running over to Anatoly's aid I put my arms up to block Petrov from him.

“You’d really trade places with a complete stranger?” Petrov looked completely lost.

Without hesitation I nodded. “Yes I would.”

“So be it.” He pulled the trigger without a care in the world, and I fell to the ground in shock. Ouch! He really shot me! Fortunately for me I had a bulletproof vest on underneath this shirt. However the impact of it did shock my heart for a moment. I just had to wait for Petrov to bring the others out before my plan could proceed further.

“Bring the others out.” And that was my signal. Time to put my training into practice.

The men all filed in the room. “Where is she?” Joon Young snarled. Next thing I knew something fell to the floor. “No, no, no, no!” Joon Young cried out.

Not wishing to put Joon Young in anymore pain I groaned as I sat up on my knees. I smirked which caught everyone off guard. “That tickled. My turn.” I clicked the safety off the trigger and pulled the gun shooting Petrov on his fingers. His guards reached for their weapons, but I took them out before they could even try.

Cracking my neck in satisfaction I shot Petrov in both of his thighs. He cried out in pain, but I ignored him and went to untie the others. But first I pistol whipped Vladimir, Roman and Ji-Hoon. "What the hell was that for?" Vladimir growled out.

"Every reason you can possibly think of." I glared at him.

Yongguk hugged me, but that was quick because Joon Young pushed him out of the way and embraced me. "I'm sorry." I mouthed to Yongguk. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't ever scare me like that! I thought I lost you for good." Joon Young buried his face in the crook of my neck.

We shared a kiss and hugged some more. "Mianhae. I didn't do it on purpose. He really shot me. Fortunately I came prepared." I opened my shirt to reveal my bulletproof vest.

Anatoly walked up to his father with a vengeance. "You killed my mother. That is unforgivable." In a split second he broke his father's neck.

"WHAT THE HELL, ANATOLY! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled at him. Everyone stared at me like I was crazy. I pouted at Anatoly. "I wanted to do it."

"Moi izvineniya. (My apologies.)" He bowed and smirked. "What's done is done. I'll escort you all out."

"Very well then." We all followed Anatoly out, but I stopped in my tracks as Vladimir pulled out a gun on Anatoly. "What do you think you're doing? I'd put that gun down if I were you."

He glared at me with such hatred. "I told you that I'm not leaving until every member of the Petrov family was dead."

Rolling my eyes in boredom I pointed my gun at him. "Kill him and I'll kill you."

"Mo, you're better than this." JK intervened.

"If she shoots you I'm still getting paid, right?" Dongho asked.

Joon-ho smacked him over the head again. "Why are you always thinking about money at moments like this?"

He rubbed his head and grimaced. "Ow! Don't act like you weren't thinking about it too."

Things were at a standstill. "So, what's it gonna be, Vlad?" I taunted him. "Just give me a reason to; I'm itching to kill you."

He put down his weapon and I frowned. "Maybe some other time, Ms. Monique."

"If you're all done, the exit is this way." Anatoly spoke up. "Hurry before the police get here."

We all made it outside in one piece. Anatoly waited by the door as the others walked to their vehicles. "Give us a sec, will ya?" I whispered to Joon Young. He looked uneasy. "I'll only be a minute. Yaksokhae." I watched as he walked a coupe of feet away.

"He's a keeper." Anatoly chuckled.

"Shut up." I laughed. He closed the distance and hugged me. "Thank you!" I felt him nod. "If you ever need anything don't hesitate to call me."

Anatoly released me and nodded. "I'll hold you to your word."

Slowly backing away I waved at him. "Bye for now..." A lone tear slipped from my eye.

"Do skorogo

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"Do skorogo... (Until next time...)" He smiled and disappeared back into the house. Joon Young came and wrapped his arm around my waist. Leading me away, I looked back at the house one last time before we drove away.

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