Chapter 74

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"We haven't named him yet. I think he should have your name. He's your first son, and I want it mean something." Joon Young was about to speak when the phone rang. He sighed and excused himself. I stared after him in disbelief.

This moment was supposed to be special and important, and he just walked away like it was nothing. Have I really angered him to the point where our relationship is beyond help? Does he even still want to be with me?

All these thoughts clouded my mind causing me to miss the moment Joon Young walked backed into the room. He just stood over me without saying a word, like a father scolding his child. Once I did take notice of him, I avoided his eyes. I don't think I could take seeing disappointment swirling around in his irises.

Grabbing the towel to my right, I wrapped it around my expanding body as I walked pass my husband. He grabbed my wrist, stopping me from leaving the room. "I'm sorry. I think we should get a..."

"Please --- don't say divorce..." I whispered as more tears gathered upon the rims of my eyes.

"What? No. I don't want to divorce you! I love you too much to just end it like this." Joon Young pulled me into his chest and wrapped me safely in his arms. "We need counselling though- as a family. I feel as though both you and Mocha have been traumatised by this whole ordeal."

"Macy is the only counselor I'll talk to." I said, still avoiding his gaze.

As he placed a kiss upon my head, I stiffened. "I know, which is why I took the liberty of scheduling an appointment with her this Thursday." I was surprised to see Joon Young get on his knees and kiss my exposed belly. "And I would love for my son to be named after me. Thank you."

I smiled while running my fingers through his hair. "You deserve it. You've been the best father any woman could ever want."

》》》》 Thursday 》》》》

Thursday rolled around faster than I had hoped it would. Joon Young and I went in first while Mocha played with Roman Jr. in another room. Secret feelings were exposed that left me blindsided amd caused me to explode. Apparently, my husband wasn't satisfied with me. He held slight feelings of hatred towards me for the incident in Thailand and the incident with Anatoly.

It broke my heart to hear him say those words out loud. I had always sensed it, but I ran from the truth. My pride wouldn't admit that her actions were the cause of the rift between us. I blamed him for being uncaring and not seeing it from my point of view.

"Oh, so now it's my fault?!" I raised my voice at him.

He gritted his teeth but refused to cater to my ego. "EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED UP TO THIS POINT IS YOUR FAULT!"

I stood up to my feet and gathered my belongings. "You know what, I don't need this right now! It was a bad idea coming here today. I'm sorry for wasting your time, Macy."

"Now hold on, Monique." Macy interjected before I could grab the doorknob. "You need to stop running away when things get tough. Problems don't get solved that way." She spoke softly.

"That's exactly my point though!" I turned to her with tears in my eyes. "I'm always to blame! He blamed me for avenging my brother. He blamed me for saving our daughter and the other kids. He even blamed me for our miscarriage... even with the truth staring him in the face he'd still find a way to blame me."

Macy turned to Joon Young next. "Is that true?"

He shook his head, denying some of my claims. "The situation with Anatoly was your fault. How you could be so careless, is beyond me. You were stupid enough to bring our daughter into enemy territory and she was kidnapped. But I never blamed you for having a miscarriage."

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