Chapter 37

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Joon Young's POV:

After all of the events of these past 2 years I was more than ready to make Mo my wife. It's been long overdue. She's the one and I won't mess up our shot at love this time around. I know that I left Mo in the past, but my lesson has been learned. There's no one else I'd rather be with.

My heart only recognizes her. So this day is long overdue. My only fear is that Mo will get cold feet and run. I know she wanted Anatoly to be here, and she was sad that he wouldn't pick up the phone. Mo tried to hide her emotions. She wants to be strong, and she is, but I believe she is the strongest when she acknowledges her weaknesses. I adore her for it.

So I took the liberty to pay Anatoly a visit. After a while he agreed to come. I could tell that he has a soft spot for Mo. Holding back my jealousy I handed him a wedding invitation; his smirk made me want to reconsider, but this was for Mo. Once I left his residence I could've sworn that I had seen Sejin in the woods. Blinking again I chuckled at my foolishness. My eyes must've been playing tricks on me.


Wedding Day:

"You ready for this?" JK placed his hand on my shoulder and sternly looked me in the eye.

Before I could answer Dongho cut in. "Yeah, this is technically your last day being single. Are you sure you're ready to be with just one woman?" JK cut his eye at him, and he chuckled.

"He makes a valid point," Joon-ho cut in. "Will you be faithful to Mo? Will you stay by her side and not run away when the tough times come? Mo needs stability, especially after everything she's been through. Can you give her that?"

They're speaking truth. Do I have what it takes to give Mo a stable environment? Would I be mindful of her weak heart and seek to protect her? "It's easy to say yes to all of these questions, but if I'm honest, the answer is: I don't know. I don't know if I'll be able to do all of these things, but I will try my damn hardest to stand by her side through it all. I'm not perfect, but I know that I love Monique."

Dongho ruined the moment by doing a slow clap. He wiped at his fake tears. "That was beautiful."

"Just know that my promise still stands. If you hurt her I will make you pay." JK squeezed my shoulder for emphasis.

"Your promise is duly noted." I gulped.

Someone pulled on my pant leg. "I have faith in you, Samchon." My best man, Jordan, whispered to me. we did our signature handshake, and then we all made our way to the sanctuary.


Standing at the altar I suddenly felt my nerves kick in. Exhaling I straightened up tall saying a prayer in my heart. The music started and the bridesmaids walked in. I looked out of the opened doors hoping to get a glimpse of my soon-to-be bride, but a tall figure was blocking my view. The man turned his head towards me, and I nodded a 'Thank you' to Anatoly.

He returned that with his signature smirk. I couldn't help but ball my fist in anger as I seen Anatoly whisk Mo away. The guests began to whisper about Mo's whereabouts. 10 minutes, 20 minutes passed by with no sign of Mo anywhere. JK looked to the door and gasped. I looked at him and he directed my attention to the man in the lobby area.


Today is supposed to be perfect, and I'll be damned if he ruins it. "Go on. I'll stall." JK whispered to me. With that I excused myself and made my way in the direction I had last seen Sejin walk to.

Making sure to keep quiet I followed the voices to a room at the far corner of the hall. "Pastoral Office" was printed on the gold plaque on the wooden door. Sejin had his back to me as Mo, Mr. Reid and Anatoly were all standing in the center of the room. Mo didn't look scared; if anything she looked pissed off.

As she made eye contact with me her body visibly relaxed. Sejin laughed. "What are you going to do in that dress? You can barely move." My blood boiled knowing that he was looking at my wife.

Mo pointed to me. "Oh, I'm not gonna do anything, but he is." Sejin turned around and cursed as he finally laid eyes on me. I wasted no time showing him just how angry I was. All it took was one punch to knock him out cold... again.

"I'll take care of it from here. Go on!" Anatoly said practically pushing us out the door. "Go on and get married." He chuckled. I grabbed hold of Mo's hand and lead her back to the entrance of the sanctuary with Mr. Reid following closely behind.

"Thank you." Mo whispered from behind me. I went to turn around to look at her, but she smacked my arm. "Though I'm grateful for you rescuing me I didn't want you to see me in my dress. So don't turn around." She teased, and as a safety measure she let go of my hand and hid behind Mr. Reid.

I chuckled at her antics. "You have nothing to worry about. I didn't see your dress. My only focus was on your safety."

"And that's why I love you!" She said with a smile.

I returned her words with a smile of my own. "I love you too forever."

"...and always." She responded afterwards. I made my way back into the sanctuary and nodded to everyone. The Pastor and I made eye contact and I signaled for him to continue with the ceremony. The bridal music began and the doors opened revealing Mo and Mr. Reid. She stole my breath away. This moment was like a dream come true. I wiped away a few fallen tears.

We said our vows and the pastor declared us husband and wife. As we kissed for the first time as a married couple I could feel everything fitting together like a finished puzzle. "Now for the first time, I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Park Joon Young!" The wedding guests stood up and cheered as my bride, and I made our way out into the lobby to be congratulated by everyone.

I made sure to keep Mo close to me; I know she's still not comfortable with a lot of people surrounding her. "I'll protect you." I leaned down and kissed her passionately. "I love you, Monique Park! You have made me the happiest man alive!"

"Thank you. Thank you for this. I love you too, baby!" She kissed me back and then resumed her position closely at my side as the guests filed out to shower us in love.

"Thank you, God for blessing me with this beautiful soul. I'll take care of the heart you've entrusted to me." I said a quick heartfelt prayer before we made our way to the reception to party the night away.

"Auntie, make sure you save me a dance, ok?" Jordan said kissing my wife on the cheek.

She looked back at me and chuckled. "You have my word." Mo said gathering Jordan in a bear hug and kissing his cheek. She's going to be a great mother...

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