Chapter 4

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The party was amazing. Bizzy and JK were taking turns being the DJ; I was going around taking pictures. When Bizzy wasn't in the DJ booth he made sure to steer clear of me, but I caught him staring at me a couple of times. I just held my signature smirk and moved out of his line of vision.

When it came time to cut the cake Jordan was bouncing off the walls. Uh, I don't think giving him cake was the best idea, but at least he can bounce off the majority of that energy on the trampolines. I took snapshot after snapshot loving how the pictures turned out. I felt a presence behind me and turned to see Bizzy.

I rolled my eyes at him and attempted to move away. His hand grabbed hold of my waist, ultimately holding me in place. I whispered/yelled, "Let go!"

He leaned his chin on my shoulder causing me to shiver involuntarily. "I told you that I like the feel of you in my arms."

I scoffed. "Yeah, well you have a funny way of showing it." I didn't give him time to respond, because I joined in the birthday song with everyone else. I took pictures as Jordan was blowing out his candles and cutting the cake. I even managed to get some shots with his face covered in cake.

Tasha and my aunt were secretly taking pictures of Bizzy and I, but I was too busy trying to get away from Bizzy to notice. The feel of his hands on me rocked me to the core. It took a lot of self-control not to turn around and act on impulse. The kids would've been scarred for life.

Jordan opened up his presents next. I took pictures, and Bizzy still had his arms wrapped around my waist; Tasha and my aunt were still taking pictures of us. I even thought I had seen JK video recording us at one point. Those sly cousins of mine. I bet they planned this.

My present to Jordan was a year round pass to Sky Zone and a brand new beat maker. His parents glared at me and I winked. Payback! Now they'd have to take him to Sky Zone Trampoline Park whenever he wanted to go, and they couldn't use the excuse that money was tight. Ah, I love the smell of victory in the morning.

Besides, it'd be a great bonding experience for them. Jordan ran up and hugged me. Bizzy let go and stepped back. "I love you, Pumpkin! Happy Birthday!" I chirped.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best ever! I love you so much!" Jordan said out of breath. Yeah, he was overjoyed.

"Anything for you!" I pinched his cheeks. "You still have more presents to open up. Go on." Jordan reluctantly left my side and returned to opening his gifts. His happiness was my happiness. Seeing Jordan grow up made me yearn for a family of my own.

I looked down and touched my belly. Hands wrapped around my waist and placed themselves on top of my own. "You'd be a great mother." Bizzy rested his head on my shoulder again.

"You really think so?" I asked sadly. Bizzy turned me around, so that I was looking into his eyes. Those chocolate eyes.... I could get lost in them forever.

"Mhm. I know so." Bizzy rubbed his nose against mine, sending me Eskimo kisses. "The things you do to me, Mo..." He bent down to kiss me, but we were interrupted again."Mo?"

"Mo?" A hand pulled on my shorts. I looked down at Jordan. He looked between me and Bizzy and his smile had gotten brighter. "Come play with me, Mo!" I noticed that everyone's eyes were glued on us. JK was recording the scene, and I subtly stepped out of Bizzy's warm embrace.

As soon as the cool breeze hit me I regretted leaving his side. Jordan took this as his opportunity and pulled me along to the massive trampoline. I put my camera away and we jumped for an hour and a half. This was a serious workout. I'd definitely feel that in the morning.

Bizzy came to watch us, but I dragged him in. Tasha and JK soon joined us too. We jumped in the foam pit and flipped off of walls. Well JK did, I wasn't breaking my neck. It was the most fun I'd had in in a long time, and judging by the expressions on everyone else's faces I can say the same applied to them as well.

Jordan spent the last half hour jumping with his friends. I took a couple more pictures before I put away my equipment. I needed air; it was getting too stuffy inside the building. As I walked outside my phone buzzed. I opened it to see the pictures of Bizzy holding me and him giving me Eskimo kisses.

I checked my email and there were two videos of him and I about to kiss. I cut off my screen and smiled to myself. Glancing up at the stars I sighed in content. "They're beautiful..." I didn't have to look to tell who's voice it belonged to. Bizzy.... "just like you."

This got my attention. Thank you night sky and melanin for hiding my blushing face. "Thank you!" I whispered. I turned to him and smiled. "You're very sexy." I blurted out and winced at my words.

"So I've heard." He chuckled. I giggled lightly.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I winced.

Bizzy took my hand in his. "Don't be. I liked it." He rubbed his neck. "I like you, Mo... a lot."

I stared at him and bit my lip. His eyes traveled down to my mouth and he gulped in nervousness. Bizzy looked away briefly before capturing my eyes again. His stare was intense. I placed my hands on his chest, feeling his ripped body. Oh my.

I leaned in closer, and just as Bizzy was about to close the distance the door of the building opened and my aunt stepped out. "Oh!" She said startled to see us together. Then everything changed when she smirked. Oh no; not this again! "So Bizzy.... are you still single?"

He nodded. I face palmed myself and groaned at my wannabe matchmaking aunt. "How fortunate! Mo just so happens to be single as well. You two should start dating! You'd make the cutest couple! Tata!" She walked away with a huge grin on her face. The woman and her meddling would be the death of me.

"Sorry about her. She's been trying to marry me off since I was in the womb." Bizzy chuckled, but I kept a straight face. "I'm serious." He looked at me, the smile never leaving his eyes, and took my hand in his.

"Come on. Let's head back in before we become the talk of the party." He said. I followed suit only to have him stop 5 seconds later. Bizzy took out his phone. "May I... may I have your number?" He was so cute when he was nervous.

I took his phone and typed in my number and then called myself. "There! Now I have your number too." I took my open window and kissed his cheek. "I like you too... a lot." We both smiled and walked back inside. I ignored the whispering and started to help clean up.


Picture of Jordan (Tasha and Tiger JK's son). I adore him!! ❤❤❤

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