Chapter 34

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Anatoly's POV:

          I knew his enemies were coming. For some odd reason he just couldn't leave Monique Reid alone. I studied her face on my father's security camera when the guards were away. What was so special about her? Yeah sure, she was a black American, but she was plain compared to the extravagant women my father had parading around him. 

          He had Monique followed and on numerous occasions tried to have her killed, but she always fought back. She was something else, but I don't know why my father would even take Stacy Stroganoff seriously. That woman was nuts.

          Thanks to her all of my brothers are dead. My father blamed me and nearly killed me. As he left me for dead a guardian angel came and rescued me. She nursed me back to health, but she left before I could thank her.

          Word had gotten back to me of the attack on my Father, so the day before the attack I snuck back into my family's house and hid myself in the secret passage ways. 


          I watched from behind the portraits in the halls as Roman Stroganoff and his men silently kept into my house and took out my father's men. Hours later I was surprised to see Monique Reid with men of her own, including the infamous Ji-hoon. The more I watched her the more I was impressed with her. I guess now I know why my father was so infatuated with her.

          As she passed the portrait I was behind she stopped, walked back to the rapper guy and looked right into my eyes as she whispered into his ear. She visibly shuddered but kept moving forward. I followed them and even tried to warn them of the bomb behind one of my father's secret doors. I clicked on the wall, thankfully Monique heard it, but she was too late.

          The bomb shook the walls, and I shielded my eyes from the bright light. One of Roman's men came 5 minutes later with his gun drawn. Once he laid eyes on Monique he crumbled beside her body. With his ear pressed to her chest he smiled. A smile graced my lips as well knowing that she was alive. The man picked her up and carried her out of the room.

          I couldn't help but follow them. My heart automatically wanted to be near her. Monique was taken to my old bedroom. Once she awoke I could easily tell that she knew the man personally. She was at ease around him, but as they had gone into the hall things took a turn for the worst. 

          An argument broke out; she stormed away. I followed. My hands automatically reached out for her as she bumped into Joon Young and started to fall. He caught her, of course, and in that moment I knew they were destined to be together. The love in their eyes was enough to convince me that what they had was real.


At the fall of Roman and his men Monique was taken to my father's chambers. I knew my father had made a deal with a guy named Sejin; money was exchanged, but I also knew my father had no intention of handing her over. Once she was unconscious I followed Sejin out of the room. He conversed with my father and then he made his way back to the bedroom. I stayed back and kept an eye on my Father. 

As I ventured deeper into the passageway I heard footsteps. Sneaking up behind the person I put my hand over their mouth. Once I realized it was Monique I tried to play it cool. I don't know why, but I wanted to impress her. I shook her hand. "Anatoly Petrov at your service."

"I thought Mr. Petrov was the last Petrov alive..." She mumbled to herself. "No matter; it's a pleasure to meet you. I love your name by the way." Her smile could light up the darkest room.

"Spasibo! (Thank you!)" I couldn't help but return her enthusiasm. 

“I’m taking a wild guess and saying that you’re one of the good guys, right?” I simply nodded my head. “Great, then you can help me find the others I came with? Though I rather leave the Stroganoff’s for dead… I suppose I can be nice.” She chuckled more so to herself.

Taking her hand in my own I lead her through the twists and turns of the passageways. “So…” I began to speak, but stopped myself when I heard a walkie-talkie go off. It bounced off of the walls so I couldn’t pin point its exact location.

“Thank you for bringing her to me.” I felt Monique tense as we both stared at my father.

I went to move her behind me, but my father’s guards restrained me and grabbed hold of Monique, leading her to my father. “LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU BASTARD!” My father nodded his head and one of his guards punched me in the stomach.

“STOP!” Monique yelled out. “Let him go.” The smack across her face could be heard through the walls. “You’ll pay for that.” She spat.

“I’m looking forward to it.” My father grabbed her chin and Monique whimpered in pain. “Come. Bring the traitor with you.” A bag was placed over my head, and the more I heard Monique whimper the angrier I grew. I just knew my father was being a pervert. “Ah, here we are. Tie him up.”

I was forced on to a chair while my hands and feet were tied together. “Let’s play a game of Russian Roulette, shall we?”

“Let’s not and say we did.” Monique said sarcastically. That earned her another smack. “I’m tired of you putting your hands on me. Touch me inappropriately again, and I’ll break your fingers.”

Snickering on my part earned me another punch to the gut. I grunted but continued to laugh. The bag was ripped off my face and I stared into the cold eyes of my father. “Ty napominayesh' mne o vashey materi. Ona smeyalas' za moy schet tozhe, i ya ubil yeye. Nadeyus', na etot raz vy budete ostavat'sya mertvym. Gun. (You remind me of your mother. She laughed at my expense too, and I killed her. Hopefully this time you'll stay dead. Gun.)”

I hardened my eyes at his confession. He killed my mother; it wasn’t an accident… A guard placed a gun in my father’s hand and I gulped. Damn, how am I gonna get out of this one? He took the safety off and I squeezed my eyes shut. There was rustling in the background. “STOP! Take me in his place.” As I opened my eyes I noticed that Monique used her body to shield me.

“You’d really trade places with a complete stranger?” My father couldn’t wrap his mind around Monique’s selfless actions.

She nodded her head without hesitation. “Yes I would.”

“So be it.” He pulled the trigger without a care in the world, and I watched as Monique fell to the ground.

“YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD, HOW COULD YOU?” I cried out as the tears poured out from my eyes.

My father simply smirked. “I’ll make a man out of you yet.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of Monique’s body. “Bring the others out.”

The men all filed in the room. “Where is she?” Joon Young snarled. My father stepped to the side revealing Monique’s body on the ground. Joon Young’s knees gave out and fell to the floor. “No, no, no, no!” I was surprised to see that everyone had tears gathered in their eyes, especially Vladimir and Roman.

          My eyes widened as I heard Monique groan. She began moving around and sat up on her knees. “That tickled. My turn.”

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