Chapter 51

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Joon Young's POV:

Friday: I walked into Mr. Macario's office with JK by my side. We both received letters yesterday, stating that Vladimir's lawyer wanted to meet with us. I sat down in the chair and caught the faintest scent of my wife's perfume. I was about to ask Mr. Macario about it when the door to his office opened. Joon-ho, Dongho and Anatoly walked in.

"You guys too? Whoa!" Dongho blurted out. “Do you find it strange that Vladimir is giving us money after the fact?”

“Gentlemen, if you would please take a seat. This will take no more than a half an hour.” Mr. Macario waited until we were all seated and as comfortable as we were going to get. “Ok, so I called you here today, because my client Vladimir named you 5 as beneficiaries on his will. When you look over and sign the will you are set to inherit 5 million each.”
He passed us each a folder, and then he walked over to his stash of alcohol and poured himself a glass of Sambuca. I shuddered at the sound of the liquid hitting the insides of the glass. When Mo came back to me, after her year hiatus, she used to drink Sambuca. When she lost the first baby she began heavily drinking again. Her choice of alcohol: Sambuca.

There were many nights when I had to pick her up from off the floor, because she was so intoxicated that she could barely walk. It became so bad that she began to hallucinate about Vladimir stalking her. Her nighttime episodes were emotionally draining, so much so that I didn't have time to grieve the death of our unborn child because I was trying to make sure Mo wouldn't harm herself.

Looking up I noticed that Mr. Macario was staring at me. He raised his glass to me and took a drink, while it took everything in me not to gag or grimace from disgust. Deciding that I needed to focus on the matter at hand, I carefully read over everything in Vladimir's will. Before I even signed the papers I prayed to God. Peace followed my prayer and put me at ease. The other guys signed the papers and rose to their feet.

"Before you all leave, grant me another 10 minutes of your time." Mr. Macario placed his drink on the table and picked up the phone. "I'm just going to call the bank and confirm that everyone on the will is approved by me to receive the funds within the next 3 business days. So the money should be transferred into your accounts by Monday."

We all nodded our heads and sat back down as Mr. Macario got on the phone. As soon as I sat back down my wife's perfume tickled my nose again. I looked around to see if anyone would notice it besides me, and everyone looked my way in confusion. "Why does it smell like Red Pearl by Paris Bleu?" Joon-ho asked sniffing the air again. "Yeah, that's definitely Red Pearl. I'd recognize that perfume anywhere."

"Ok see, I knew I wasn't going crazy earlier when I smelled it as well." I piped up.

Dongho gasped quite dramatically. It's uncommon for him to be so serious. For identical twins, he and Joon-ho are polar opposites. "You don't think Mo was here, do you? I mean what are the odds of that happening?"

"No, she wouldn't come here by herself, which means she met somebody here." Anatoly whispered among us men. I'm glad he's been opening up more. Now I see what my wife sees in him; he's a very trusted ally and brother. He and Dongho are surprisingly alike, yet he's also really compatible with Joon-ho too. Anatoly can be hot one minute and cold the next. He never stops surprising us.

It was nearing 2pm, and I had to hurry up if I wanted to meet Mo for our date at 2:30pm. I'm surely going to ask her about Mr. Macario. "Tasha and Veronica are both out working, so that leaves..."

"Macy..." We all say in unison. I can tell we all feel comforted by the fact that Macy came with Mo. She's a lawyer who knows what she's doing. However, I don't like fact that Mo didn't ask me, her husband, to accompany her.

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