Chapter 75

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3 months later, I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy. He was 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 21 inches long. Yeah, he was gonna be tall like his Daddy. Tasha was in the next room over. She had her twins 2 days before me. We were all shocked to learn that one was a boy and the other was a girl.

 We were all shocked to learn that one was a boy and the other was a girl

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JK was relieved. He was going nuts trying to figure out how to keep his girls away from any and all boys. Now, he had his sons to help him keep watch. I chuckled, because he sounds just like Joon Young when it comes to Mocha.

They named their son Jaden, and named their daughter Jewels. They were so precious. I snapped a photo of JK, Tasha and Joon Young holding the babies in my delivery room. Joon Young did really well with helping me through the birth. At one point when the baby was crowning, I thought he was gonna pass out when he looked down there.

He swayed a little, but then he regained his composure, kissing me and calling me his superwoman. Maybe he'll think twice about impregnated again. Junior was born at 7pm; the same time Mocha was born.

All of our family and friends came to see the babies and shower them in love. Mocha was the cutest one of all. She fought with Dongho, because he wanted to hold her brother. Eventually Joon Young had to intervene, after he stopped laughing.

I could already see the wheels turning in the guys heads about the sports they would do together. Of course, Mocha would tag along, because let's face it, they turned my baby girl into a tomboy. I still manage to dress her up in cute girly clothes; she doesn't fight me on it, because she wants to impress Roman Jr.

She doesn't have to try hard, because he's only had eyes for her anyway. At least I know that he'll protect her if anything were to happen again. I pray it doesn't. I've been good the last 3 months of my pregnancy. Truthfully, I locked myself inside the house to avoid conflict altogether.

My family completed therapy a week before I had gone into labor so, that was a plus. There are still times when we hit rough patches in our marriage, but we've taken what we learned in therapy and applied to our lives. And now, day by day we're growing stronger.

We've finally found our healthy place, and I thank God every day.


A month later, I sat up in my bed and opened my eyes upon hearing my son crying through the baby monitor. My body was still trying to hold on to its sleep, but Junior needed to be fed. As I swung my feet over the edge of the bed, panic set in. Shaking Joon Young furiously, he sat up and glared at me.

"Shh..." He had gone quiet and listened. "Tell me I'm not going crazy..." I whispered, thinking my mind was playing tricks on me.

We listened together and immediately jumped out of the bed and ran to Junior's room. "Hush little baby, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mockin' bird. And if that mockin' bird won't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring..."

Once we made it to his room and looked into his crib, his eyes met ours and he giggled. I picked him up, but scrunched up my nose in confusion. "Why does he smell like woman's perfume?" Joon Young smelled him next, and then he checked the windows. One of them were unlocked... "Mocha!"

He ran to her room and I followed suit, being extra careful not to drop Junior in the process. Relief flooded my senses as we looked upon our sleeping daughter. We double checked her windows, closet and underneath her bed. Everything was clear, but I know what I heard...

Someone was in my house, and I'm gonna find out who it was.

I fed Junior and changed his diaper while Joon Young moved his crib into our room. I wasn't taking any chances. After Junior had gone to sleep, I stayed awake listening to each and every sound in the house and outside. Joon Young managed to go back to sleep quickly, and it annoyed me greatly.

How can he sleep at a time like this?

My baby boy woke up a couple more times before the sun started to rise. My eyelids finally closed at 5:50am. 10 minutes later, Joon Young's alarm had gone off, waking me back up. I sighed, completely overwhelmed and spent before the day even had a chance to begin.

"Did you get any sleep?" Joon Young asked me as he rose from the bed and went into the bathroom.

"No." I kept my answer short, because I could feel the volcano of emotions ready to erupt. During times like this, it's best to just pray. Only the Lord could get me through this day. I was ready to call it quits.

I wish I had a mom to help me. My parents died in a car wreck when I was 10. I was orphaned at a young age, but thankfully Tasha's parents took me in and raised me as their own. I got life insurance from both of my parents, but I never spent it. I always felt guilty, because they were on their way to my middle school graduation when a drunk driver in a 18 wheeler hit them head on.

As if on cue, there was a knock on the front door. Joon Young had gone to open it. I had gone downstairs once I made myself presentable and Junior had woken up again. "Eomma! Appa!" I burst into tears upon seeing my mother-in-law and father-in-law in the living room.

They engulfed me in hugs and kisses, and then took their grandson from me. "Go on and get some sleep. We'll watch him for you."

Before I could utter a thanks, Mocha ran downstairs and jumped in her grandfather's arms. Joon Young guided me upstairs and tucked me in bed. After kissing my head, he reassured me that he would be downstairs as well. "If he needs milk, there's 6 bottles in the refrigerator. I legit pumped all night."

"Get some sleep, Yeobo." Once he left, I personally thanked God for sending me help for 2 weeks.


Author's Note:
Sorry for the short chapter. This story will be ending soon. [I know... I said that a couple of chapters ago... like 3 times already... but I'm serious this time lol.]

I have an idea of how the ending will play out. So stay tuned.

Again, a HUGE thank you to all of you newbies and my MVP'S who've been with me since Day 1. Love you guys!!!

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