Chapter 18

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Mo's POV:

I watch from the corner as Joon Young rests his head on my stomach. Placing my hands on my stomach I can feel the warmth of his breath as he talks. "You would've been a great mother. I'm sorry," I cover my mouth to silence my sobs as Joon Young chokes up with tears. "I'm sorry that I couldn't give you the family you always wanted. I would've traded places with you, just so that you could live on and fulfill your desires.

I love you Monique. I love you so much it hurts." I walk over to my cousins. JK shivers from my presence next to him, and I bend down and kiss Tasha's forehead. "I forgive you..." I glance up at JK and smile. "... I forgive the both of you."

"I'm sorry I can't do this!" Tasha runs out of the room crying hysterically. JK follows after her. My shoulders slouch, and my heart feels heavy as I stare after their retreating figures. Joon Young rises up to his feet and sighs.

I'm at his side in a split second. "Live! I want you to live on. Be free. Be free to love again, and let go of the guilt. I forgive you, Joon Young." I whisper into his ear, and I see a ghost of a smile play on the corners of his mouth.

"I'm sorry, my love. I... I can't stay. If I stay than I'll just die a little more knowing that you're not coming back to me. I know you wouldn't want that, so I'm gonna live." He strokes my hair. "I'm gonna live for the both of us."

I stand in shock as Joon Young kisses me on the lips. His taste still lingers on my mouth as I trace the outline of my lips. "I love you, Joon Young! I'm just sorry that I didn't tell you sooner." I clench my fists tighter with each step Joon Young takes towards the door.

My spirit retreats back into my body, and Joon Young pauses at the door and let's his tears soak the floor. "You'll always live on in my heart. I'll love you forever." Pushing the door open he walks out of my room, just as my eyes open.

"Mianhae." We say at the same time. The door closes and I allow my emotions control, just this once. I cry and cry like I've just lost my best friend. After an hour my eyes have dried out. I can't cry anynore, even if I wanted to. I wipe at my tear stained cheeks and close my eyes.

The door opens again and in walks a crying Dongho and Joon-ho.

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Dongho's POV:

After we were freed from captivity by Roman, he treated our wounds 3 hours later. There was a commotion outside that drew my attention. I stood up and walked to the door just as it opened, hitting me square in the face. "Ouch! What the hell?"

Dr. Roman quickly bows and apologizes. "Mianhae. I... I didn't see you there. Mianhae." He checks my face and then cleans my cuts. As he wraps a bandage around my head and moves on to help Veronica and my brother I ask him of Mo's status.

"How...." I take a deep breath and lock eyes with Dr. Roman. "How is she?" He quickly diverts his attention and prescribes us some pain pills.

He hands us the slip, and I grab hold of his arms, demanding that he answer me. "Doc, just tell me... how bad is it?"

Joon-ho inches closer, as Veronica stays rooted to her spot, waiting, hoping for some positive news. I don't think we can handle anything else. "Roman..." Veronica whispers. Her head is down as if she knows the outcome already. Well, she is a doctor too. Why didn't I ask her earlier?

"She...." Doctor Roman clears his throat. My breath catches in my throat as I watch tear after tear leave his eyes. "Monique didn't make it. I tried my best, but she... uh... she passed away. She's in Room 305. I'll take my leave now." He bows and walks away.

A Shot At Love [MFBTY- Bizzy AMBW]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang