Chapter 53

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Mo's POV:

My contractions were 2 minutes apart. I believe it had something to do with the stressful situation I was in. It caused me go into labor extra early: 2 months early to be exact. Am I scared? You bet your bottom dollar I am, especially with the threat being 3 feet away. And let me tell you, they are trying everything they can to get into this room. I tried the phone again, but they cut the line.

Somewhere between breathing through my contractions and trying not to break Macy’s fingers, Officers Go and Kang disappeared. “Where did they go?” I said after finally catching my breath. Macy checked the screen and cursed.

“THEY’RE SETTING THE HOUSE ON FIRE!!” I moved her out of the way and seen the truth for my own eyes.

“They must really be desperate!” The flames were spreading fast upstairs. Downstairs in the kitchen they cut on the stove and left it opened. The gas collided with the flames and the entire house exploded. The cameras went dead and the lights went out.

Roman’s POV:

We all rushed into the police station in search for my wife and Mo. Michael had gone and talked to the woman at the front desk. Grayson and Piero took the second floor. Gio went to the hummer to hack into the surveillance system. Joon-ho, Dongho and Anatoly took the 3 floor while Joon Young and I went to the basement. They have to be in this building somewhere and I won’t stop searching until I find them.

We literally checked the entire building and nothing. It’s been 30 minutes already. Gio raced up to us while we were regrouping on the stairs to show us a video of Macy and Mo. They were downstairs in a room we must’ve missed. Their backs were against the wall, and from this angle it looked as if the male officer hit Mo in the face. I put my hand on Joon Young’s shoulder to keep him from spazzing out at a police station. We needed to find them not end up behind bars.

“It looks like the officers left with them already. We just missed them by a minute. The question is where did they go?” Gio asked. He got a thought and searched up the traffic cams. “Damn. We need to go like now!”

“Where are they?” Dongho asked.

Just as I was about to answer my phone began to ring. It was an unknown number, so I decided to put it on speaker phone. “Hello?”

“Roman, we’re at Mo’s house in the safe room. Come quickly; the officers are trying to kill us.” My wife’s voice sounded panicked. We all heard 6 gun shots. I guess Macy forgot that we were on the line, because she started talking to Mo. “Don’t worry. They’ll come for us.”

The next words we heard from Mo made us all stop in our tracks. Our eyes had gone wide with fear, and we quickly ran to the trucks. “Well I hope they get here soon, because my water just broke.”

Macy yelped in shock. “What? How far along are you?”

“7 months today.” Mo groaned as I imagined a contraction hit her. “Mocha-Sarang, hold on for mommy.”

We sped down the road. Halfway to Joon Young’s place 4 firetrucks passed by us. My stomach sank with despair. Joon Young looked at me as his phone rang. “BIZZY, WHERE ARE YOU? YOUR HOUSE IS UP IN FLAMES!!” JK yelled through the receiver. Along the drive Macy’s line disconnected. I looked to the left and seen Joon Young in tears.

“Mo…” he cried, “Mo and Macy are still in there.” When we made it to the house it was complete chaos. Firefighters were trying their best to put out the flames, but it looked hopeless. Everyone rushed out of the trucks and tried to help. Joon Young and I ran up to the house, but we were pulled back by the firefighters. “MY WIFE AND CHILD ARE STILL IN THERE!!”

A Shot At Love [MFBTY- Bizzy AMBW]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя