Chapter 68

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Rushing down the stairs we were stopped when the barrel of a gun was placed to our temples. "Umjig-yeoseo naega ssolgeoya. (Move and I'll shoot.)" It all happened so fast. In a split second my dreams turned into a nightmare as the gunmen snatched Mocha from my arms and pulled the trigger.


"Yeobo, wake up!" I bolted awake as Joon Young shook me. Looking around I noticed that we were still at the intersection waiting for the light to turn green. I breathed in slowly to calm my erratic heart. "Hey, are you okay? You were crying in your sleep."

"Yeah..." Nodding my head, I sighed in relief once the light turned, giving us the go. "JOON YOUNG LOOK OUT!" I screamed as a truck plowed right into us. Our car flipped a couple of times. Mocha screamed as the glass shattered cutting into our flesh.

Joon Young didn't respond to my calls. Once the car stopped rolling I reached over to him. I held back my cries as I realized he died on impact. "Appa!!!!" Mocha cried out for her father. "Eomma..." she whispered and then she fell silent.

I looked back to find a piece of glass embedded in her chest. "Mocha!!!" I cried and screamed all while trying to unbuckle my seatbelt. It was no use; I was stuck. Car horns sounded off from close by, and I looked up to see another car headed straight for me.

It hit my side of the car...


I jumped up out of my sleep in a panic.

"Baby, go back to sleep." Joon Young groaned in the bed right next to me. Bed? My fingers clenched the sheets in sheer gratitude once my mind separated dream from reality. The time on my cell phone read 3:00am. The witching hour...

Stupid nightmares... I almost lost my mind. I hear that dreams get worse with each pregnancy. Ugh, I don't even want to go back to sleep anymore. Walking across the hall I checked on Mocha to find her fast asleep.

I made sure her room was safe and secure before I kissed her forehead and left. I retrieved a bottle of water from the kitchen and made my way back to bed. Joon Young was awake and waiting for me.

He helped me up and I snuggled up close to him. "The nightmares are back..." I whispered to him.

"I figured as much." He hummed. "Just know that I will do all that I can to protect my family... even bury the severed head of a snake." I looked up at him in shock, and he smirked.

So I guess the events with Narae at the restaurant really did happen. Ugh what is going on with me? Thankfully, I managed to fall back to sleep without any nightmares plaguing me.

Joon Young woke me up with kisses. "Wake up, my love. We have a doctor's appointment in an hour."

My eyes flew open and I quickly ran into the bathroom and slammed the door, all while complaining about my husband waking me up with only 30 minutes to get ready. I heard Joon Young chuckle as I took a quick shower. My energy was already drained from rushing, and I sent Joon Young a glare on my way to the closet.

He followed me in, helping me to get dressed. It was a struggle bending down and getting back up. Once I was done I poked out my mouth and tapped my lips. Joon Young looked at me in confusion. "Kiseu" I pouted.

His hand wrapped around my waist, his eyes stared deep into my soul and then he bent down and kissed me. My knees went weak at the action as I melted into his embrace. "Wow..." was all I could manage to say.

Once we finally broke apart we got Mocha dressed and fed and made our way to General Hospital. Tasha and JK met us at the entrance, and Mocha immediately went to her Uncle JK. I chuckled at my husband's sad face and dragged Tasha inside with me.


It turns out that our due dates were a week apart. We immediately started brainstorming baby shower ideas, which interested Mocha a lot. She was super excited to be getting a sibling. Jordan was surprisingly happy as well.

After the appointment we had gone to the studio so the guys could work on their verses for Show Me The Money 6. I was so hyped for #TeamTigerJK&Bizzy that I had t-shirts costumed made. Junoflo was there practicing for his audition too.

Tasha and I were starving so we took Mocha with us to the store. Macy and RJ met us there, and I promise you Mocha stopped whining once she had seen her crush. I tried to keep a straight face, but they were just too cute.

I had bought them ice pops to combat the summer heat and made sure they walked in front of us on our way back to the studio. Some drunk idiot in an alley started cat calling us as we walked by. We ignored him for the most part until he called out our names.

Tasha, Macy and I looked back at him; his smile made me shiver. There was something evil about him. Quickly gathering up the kids we power walked out of his line of sight until we reached the studio. By the time we made it to 3rd floor we were all out of breath.

Mocha and RJ ran to the little kid play studio, giving us women time to rest. Macy got a phone call and walked into the hallway while Tasha and I shared a look. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how creepy do you think that guy was?" Tasha breathed out.

"Definitely a 10." We laughed at how crazy the situation was, but it was no laughing matter. After we sobered up Macy came back into the room.

She looked relieved which took some of the stress off of our shoulders. "Roman knows and he's handling it." Nodding in response we finally took a seat and began to eat our food.

When Veronica showed up with Kahi and Jordan we began planning baby showers and brainstorming on baby names. Since we haven't all hung out together in a while, we set up a Girl's trip before Tasha and I gave birth. The guys came in as we were discussing it, but they didn't look too happy.

We had all of the details laid out; all we needed to do was convince our husbands to let us go.

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