Chapter 23

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Mo's POV:

Bizzy catches me as I lose my footing and fall backwards. I shake my head hoping to wake from this nightmare. Bizzy tightens his arms around me and pushes me behind him. "You'll have to go through me in order to get to Mo."

Stacy claps her hands slowly. "Bravo! I was hoping you'd say that. That will make this so much more exciting."

I look out the skyline above and notice a guy pointing a gun at Stacy. He puts his thumb up and smiles, signaling that he's one of Roman's men. I glance back towards Stacy and sigh in relief. Roman you never let me down.

The sound of a finger snapping jolts me back into reality. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Focus, Monique. A big boned man steps from out of the shadows holding a blade in his left hand. My grip on Bizzy's arm tightens as the man advances on us.

I glance behind me to see Veronica, Dongho, Tasha, Joon-ho and JK being held the gun point. Stacy's bodyguard took that as his chance to rip Bizzy from my grasps. "Don't do this, please? I'm begging you." I appeal to Stacy.

She let's out a crazed laugh and stalks up to me. Circling me like I was prey Stacy trails the blade across my neck. "Did you give my husband, Vladimir, a chance before you killed him?"

"I didn't kill him, you psychotic bit-" She slapped me before I could finish that sentence. The atmosphere between us tensed as we had a stare down. "You're just like Vladimir. You don't know when you've lost."

Her eyes widened in anger, but then she smirked. She actually smirked at me. "That's funny, I was gonna say that you're just like Romanov. Naiive. If you think he's gonna save you you're wrong. He gave you up, Monique."

"LIAR!" I seethed. "Roman would never betray me!"

She placed her hand on my shoulder and tilted her head. "Are you sure about that?" Just as I was about to answer a door to our left opened and out stumbled Roman. I tried to run to him, but Stacy gripped my arm. "Nuh uh. Just wait and see." She whispered into my ear.

I snatched my arm out of her grip and watched as Roman stumbled his way down the hall. "Roman? ROMAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He didn't even spare me a glance as I watched him disappear down the corridor.

"See?" Stacy moved behind me now. I looked up to see the guy from earlier was no longer there. "He abandoned you."


"He set you up!" Stacy grinned.

I shook my head no.

"He left you to chase a ghost. He doesn't care about you!"

"SHUT UP!" I slammed my head back making contact with Stacy's nose. I quickly whipped around and brought my fist to her face repeatedly. In the struggle she dropped the blade. Tackling her to the ground I landed blow for blow to her face.

Dongho, JK, Bizzy and Joon-ho started fighting off the guards holding them. They had the upper hand until the guards holding Victoria and Tasha forced them to their knees and clocked their guns ready to shoot. We all stopped our fight and put our hands up in surrender. Stacy rose to her feet and pulled out her gun. She pistol whipped me and busted my lip.

I only smirked. "Is that the best you got. Being the wife of Vladimir I had expected more, sadly I'm disappointed."

"Mo, now is not the time for your smart ass attitude." Tasha rolled her eyes at me. I burst into laughter.

"And they call me crazy!" Stacy mumbled to herself. "Enough of this," she grabbed a fistful of my hair, "Why did you kill Vladimir?"

Chuckling again and I shook my head in disbelief. "Your husband had a death wish. Had he just listened from the start than he would still be alive. Don't make the same mistake as him."

It happened in a split second and I barely had time to catch my breath. The guard holding Bizzy kicked him and shot him in the chest twice. I screamed and crawled over to him. Blood flowed from his chest, and I tried to stop it the best I could. Tears clouded my vision, my throat closed on me and I gasped for air.

"No! Babe, stay with me please?! Don't you dare leave me. I love you! I love you so much!" I cried out.

Bizzy placed a bloody hand on my cheek and looked deep into my eyes. "I love you, Monique..." His hand dropped to the ground and his eyes closed. I threw myself on his body and cried my heart out. I kissed his lips and then his cheek.

"Now you know how it feels to lose the one you love." Stacy said with tears in her eyes. I stood up and swayed a little. All I had seen was red. I wanted her dead. Wiping at my fallen tears I stood before her looking her dead in her eyes.

My energy was draining fast from my body; my knees were going to give out any minute from now, but I ignored it. Raising my hand I slapped the mess out of Stacy as fresh tears fell from both of our eyes.


Roman's POV:

I jolted awake from my spot on the bathroom floor. The pain dulled a little, and I slowly rose to my feet. I went to my safe and pulled out my gun and knife. I beeped my security team. "Get ready. It's almost time."

"Copy that." Gio, Michael and Grayson beeped back.

Sticking the knife in my boot and the gun in my holster I made my way out the door. I gripped the wall for support and made my way down the hall. Don't look, Roman. Keep going. Time is running out.

"Roman? ROMAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Mo sounded so broken, but I didn't even spare her a glance as I walked further down the corridor. If I did then Stacy would surely kill us all.


I heard the gun go off twice and I stopped in my tracks. I will never forgive myself for this. "Move in now! Leave Stacy alive!" I yelled to my men. Seconds later shots were being fired and I heard a lot of yelling.

It sounded like a battlefield, and as much as I wanted the satisfaction of killing those who double crossed me I had a mission to complete. I walked through a door and at the end of the corridor was a guard. He wasn't one of my men, which meant he was the enemy.

"Move or die." I said gritting my teeth. The young kid gulped and did as I said. Unlocking the door I walked in and turned on the lights. The door shut behind me and I walked in further. This place was a mini house.

How had I not known anything about this place? I was being drawn to the last room on the far left. The door opened on its own shocking me. I was staring into the eyes of a little boy who looked just like me. "Mommy?"

"Yes, Roman. What is it?" She came to the door and I fell to my knees in tears. "Oh my gosh! Roman, is it really you?" Her hand shook as she placed it on my cheek. Getting on her knees she brought me into her embrace. "They told me you were dead."

"I thought I never see you again, Macy." I cried, squeezing her into my chest.

"Mommy, who's this?"

Macy broke the hug and pulled Roman into her lap. "This is your father, baby. Say hi."

"DADDY!!" Roman jumped into my arms and cried. Thank you, God for keeping my family alive.

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Baby Roman in the picture above!
How adorable is he?

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