Chapter 14

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Mo's POV:

"Hello, Miss Reid. Do you know where you are?" A nurse spoke shining a lining in my eye. I nodded my head yes. "OK good. Do you know how you got here?" I shook my head no. "Hm." I watched as she jotted down some notes.

"Can you tell me your name?" She questioned me like I stole something. Next she'll be asking for my bank account number. I got a bad vibe from off of her.

My brows furrowed in deep concentration. "My name?"

"Yes, your name." The nurse smiled. "Can you tell me what your name is?"

My name.... my name... what is my name? My eyes widened in horror. "Oh no, no, no, no, no! I don't know my name!"

The nurse looked alarmed. "Hey, it's ok. Don't worry. We'll just run some tests. I'll be right back; I'm going to go get the doctor."

A few minutes later a gentleman walked in. As we made eye contact a sense of love and safety swept over me. "I'm so relieved to see you're awake. You had me worried for 3 days." The man hugged me, and I tensed up.

"I'm sorry." I instantly regretted pushing him away from me. "Do I know you?"

"Mo, it's me, Bizzy!" His smile quickly faded away.

There was a super handsome man standing in front of me, claiming to have been worried sick over me, and I can't seem to remember who he is. I must've been extremely blessed to have known this "Bizzy" character. "Sir, I'm sorry but I don't know you."

He ran his fingers through his hair. Oh how my very own fingers yearned to touch it. I balled my hands into a fist and kept still as he continued to look into my very soul. I shifted uncomfortably and glanced away. Goosebumps ran up and down my arms.

"Maybe this will jar your memory." Before I had time to question him he connected his lips to mine.


Opening the door I see Bizzy pacing back and forth. "You're late!" I cross my arms under my chest. Bizzy's eyes zoom in on my breasts. "Yo! My face is up here." I direct his face upwards so that he's looking into my eyes.

Tilting his face I notice a cut that wasn't there before, and I feel like going to war with his attacker. "Who did this to your face? Who do I have to beat up for messing up my baby's handsome face?" As realization dawns on me I drop my hand from embarrassment.

"It was an accident. I was boxing and lost track of the time." Bizzy says while taking my hand in his and kissing it. I bite my bottom lip. "I'm sorry about being late. I'd really love it if you would still go with me."

I whimper in agreement. "I'd go anywhere with you." I clear my throat. "We can still go, but first let me clean that wound."


"How old are you?" I ask once we get situated at the coffee shop.

Bizzy looks taken back by my question. "35... Is my age a deal breaker?" He inquired sounding hopeless.

"No. I happen to love older men..." I smiled reassuringly at him. "We're 10 years apart, but I think it's perfect."

"Mo," he placed his hand on top of mine. "Would you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?"

"Seriously? Hell yeah! You had me at hello!" I giggle. Bizzy leans over the table and kisses me.

End of Flashback

A Shot At Love [MFBTY- Bizzy AMBW]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat