Chapter 60

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I had sent Mocha to a sleepover for the weekend at Veronica's house for Kahi's birthday. When I awoke from my afternoon nap, Joon Young was gone. The house was quiet, but my thoughts were in chaos. My emotions were trying to overthrow logic, and I gripped the edge of the counter to keep control.

The fact that my morning sickness was starting to kick in made me more agitated. Tasha called me, and I invited her over before she went to Veronica's to help out. "So how'd it go? I was waiting for your call." Tasha said taking a seat next to me.

"He doesn't want anymore kids right now." I put my head on her shoulder and sniffled. "What am I going to do, T? Adoption or Abortion aren't options. There was a time when I couldn't even have kids, and this feels the same as that..."

"Did you actually tell Joon Young that you were pregnant?"
She looked at me like she already knew the answer.

"Well no, but..."

Tasha chuckled. "I figured you didn't. Mo, you have to tell him and then deal with it head on. Joon Young would never tell you to abort his child or put him up for adoption. Have faith that God will work this out."

I sighed, because she was right. Why am I always assuming the worst? "I feel like I'm being backed into a corner..." I confessed.

"What's going on?"
We both looked up at the sound of Joon Young's voice. His features were scrunched up in concern.

"Uh gotta go." I stared wide eyed my cousin as she left me hanging. "Tell him..." she whispered to me and then hugged Joon Young on her way out the door.

The front door closed and it was silent until Joon Young spoke up. I was starting to feel queasy, and being in his presence was making me angry. And I know he's thinking logically, but it's not fair. "Is everything alright?"

"It's fine... not like you really care anyway..."
I mumbled under my breath. I cringed and mentally face palmed myself for being such a jerk. Standing up too quickly, I gripped the countertop to steady myself from that dizzy spell.

Joon Young rushed to me and held me close to him. "What's wrong with you? Are you mad at me? Did I do something to hurt your feelings?"

Scoffing at his ignorance, I shrugged, then mentally scolded myself again. "Stop it, Monique; he's not a mind reader!" Grabbing my purse from off the counter I had gone to walk away. "I'm just gonna go and lay down."

He placed his hand on mine, and I jerked back causing his hand to get caught in my straps. The contents of my purse fell on the floor and I bent down to quickly gather them up. My anxiety spiked when Joon Young picked up my prenatal vitamins. I could feel the vomit rising.

It got deathly quiet and I sucked in a sharp breath as I snatched the pills from him. "What the hell is your problem?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"
I spoke bitterly. "Don't worry about it. I'll deal with it on my own. I mean, I've done more than my share for 3 years. This shouldn't be any different."

Reaching for the garbage, I puked my guts out. "Are you sick? Is that why you have to hide your doctor visits and medication?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him. Struggling to my feet I washed out my mouth in the kitchen sink and snatched back my purse. "Have you been keeping tabs on me? What? You afraid that I found someone else, or maybe you have? Could it be that pretty receptionist at the hotel? You were being pretty flirty."

"Damn it, Mo! Enough already!"
Joon Young pulled at his hair in frustration. "I'm trying; I really am, but I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong!"

"You're breaking my heart, babe, and I'm starting to resent you for it..."
I whispered. I couldn't even look at him.

He took a step closer to me and got on his knees. My body froze the moment Joon Young rested his head on my stomach and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Na hante malhaela, Mo. Nal naebeolyeo duji ma. Mwoga munje ya? (Talk to me, Mo. Don't shut me out. What's wrong?)"

"I'm pregnant..." Joon Young quickly rose to his feet and backed away a couple of steps from me. I cried and balled my fist. "I'm pregnant and you don't want any kids right now! Do you know how that makes me feel?"

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