Chapter 36

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1 Month Later:

"Hurry up Mo, or we'll be late." Tasha breathed out in impatience.

"You can't rush perfection." I chuckled. I slipped my heels on and sped walk to the door. I almost slipped on my dress when my aunt caught me. "Thank you, auntie."

She kissed me on my cheek and held my hand as we descended down the stairs. "Are you ready, Princess?" My Uncle said taking my hand and walking me to the door. I could only nod in response. "Thank you for allowing me this privilege. Your father would be proud."

My eyes started to water, but Veronica quickly came with a tissue to catch my tears. "Hey, no crying; you're gonna mess up your makeup."

I chuckled. "Sorry." I waited in anticipation as everyone lined up in their positions. The doors opened and the special women in my life walked on. As my time approached I became super nervous. "Oh God, I can't do this. I can't do this, Uncle."

A man grabbed my hand and led me away to another room. Once he closed the door I paced back and forth. "What was I thinking? I can't go through with this. I'm not ready for this. Oh god, why did I say yes?"

"Monique, please calm down." His voice caught my attention. He closed the distance and hugged me. "Vy mozhete sdelat' eto. (You can do this.)"

"Anatoly, you came!" I smiled, forgetting about my previous breakdown. I looked up at him and frowned. "Why didn't you answer any of my calls? I was so worried."

"I thought I said that I'd call you." Thinking back to the night, I realize that he's right. "No matter, I'm here now, and you're going to go in there with confidence and finish this." I was about to object, when the door opened.

"Mo, are you having second thoughts?" My Uncle asked in a hushed tone.

Not having the courage to face him I looked at the floor. "A little." Anatoly cleared his throat. "Ok, ok, ok a lot. I'm having serious doubts right now. Help!"

"What's there to doubt, baby girl? We all know that Joon Young loves you. He's shown you time and time again." My Uncle tried to convince me.

"Yeah... but he's also shown me that when the tough gets going that he'll abandon me in a moment's notice." I whispered back. It's just like me to think of the negatives on a beautiful day like this. "How can I be sure that he won't leave me high and dry this time around?"

"When a man really loves you he supports you, he accepts you just the way you are. You're a top priority, most of the time. He expresses his feelings and trusts you. He apologizes when he needs to. He laughs with you, not at you. He keeps in touch during the day. He makes your problems his problems. He makes space for alone time." My Uncle began to say, "If Joon Young is all of these things then go to him."

I stood up, ready to finish this with new determination. "Yes, please go to him." Sejin laughed from the doorway.

Anatoly stood protectively in front of me. "What are you doing here, Sejin?"

This guy just doesn't give up. "I didn't waste my money for you to get married to that punk! You belong to me." He ignored Anatoly and directed his comment to me.

"Dude, we've been through this before. I. DON'T. WANT. YOU! Ok? I hear bridezilla's are a force to be reckoned with. Now go before you make me angry." I rolled my eyes at his apparent obsession with me. Sejin stayed rooted to his spot. "So you wanna do this the hard way, eh?" I smirked. "Cool. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Sejin laughed out again. "What are you going to do in that dress? You can barely move."

I pointed behind him. "Oh, I'm not gonna do anything, but he is." Sejin turned around and cursed

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