Chapter 10

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The dirty knife that cut me wasn't nearly as deep as the cut on my heart. The bacteria caused an infection in my arm, and Bizzy breaking up with me caused an infection to grow on my heart: unforgiveness. It left a foul taste on my tongue.

A week; that's how long I was stuck in the hospital. During that agonizing week I had many visitors, none of which I talked to in the beginning. My back was turned to each of them, as I clenched the bed sheets in pain.

Jordan, my Uncle, BTS, Dongho and Joon-ho were the only exceptions. I put on a mask of bravery for them, when I was anything but happy. My emotions were exact polar opposites to the smile etched on my face. But I would trade my own happiness just to see Jordan happy.

I had no words for JK, Tasha and my Aunt. I was angry at them. This was their fault. They just couldn't leave well enough alone, and now my love life was in pieces. I blamed Bizzy for leaving me high and dry in my time of need. When he heard the news about me he rushed over to the hospital as soon as the commentator finished his sentence.

Bizzy won the fight, but he lost me in the process. Tasha and Veronica got into a fight in the waiting room of the hospital. As soon as I'm discharged I'm flying back home. I can't stay here.


{Day of Discharge}

"Is anyone picking you up?" A nurse asked me as she wheeled me outside.

It was a beautiful day out today. The suns rays beamed down on me. I smiled and nodded my head yes. Just then a black BMW pulled up to the curb. Joon-ho got out of the car and Dongho opened the car door for me. They both helped me inside and we drove off. "May you show me around town before I leave?"

Dongho pouted. "Do you have to leave? You can stay with us instead." He made a tempting offer, one that I would have to think on.

"I'll think about it, Ok?" I patted down my wound. This bad boy itched like a mug. I really wanted to scratch it, but Joon-ho kept his eyes on me. "Could you perhaps, oh I don't know, maybe stare at the road instead of me? I just got out of the hospital; I'm not trying to go back."

He swerved to prove my point. Clearing his throat, he glanced at me once more before focusing on the road. "So where would you like to go?"

"Baegopa! (I'm hungry!)" My stomach growled in agreement. "Feed me! Feed me! I need food! If you don't I'll be in a bad mood." I sung playfully.

Joon-ho and Dongho glanced at each other. "Food it is." Dongho laughed.

I rested my head on Dongho's shoulder. "Yay! You're the best." I repeated my actions to Joon-ho as well. "You're the best too!" I sighed. "I love you guys!"

Dongho patted my head. "We love you too, little one." I laughed at him and sat back in my seat.


As Dongho, Joon-ho and I were eating I had the strangest sense that I was being watched. I shook it off and continued to stuff my face of this delicious food. Again that creepy feeling swept over me. I leaned in to whisper to the guys, "Guys, this may sound weird, but do you feel like you're being watched right now?"

"Actually yes." Joon-ho confessed.

"I just assumed it was you being a weirdo. I know I'm hot, but you don't have to keep stealing my face." Dongho joked.

My hand went upside his head. "Don't play yourself. I'm being serious." That feeling kept getting stronger and stronger until it blocked my air ways. "Ok, we need to go, like now!"

We cleared our table and grabbed our things to leave. Our feet didn't even make it to the curb before we were ambushed by cameras and news reporters. "Monique, Monique! Is it true that you and Bizzy are a couple?" A woman yelled.

"Monique over here!" A guy shoved his camera in my face.

I tried to walk away, but the flashing lights were blinding me, halting my steps.

"Monique, how are you feeling after getting out of the hospital for a week?" A lady stood in front of me with her microphone close to my lips. I politely moved it away. How did they even know that? How do they even know my name, much less what I look like or my personal business?

"How's your arm, Monique?" A guy shoved me to get closer.

"Are you and Bizzy still dating?" The woman asked inching closer. I'm feeling claustrophobic.

In the middle of the hustle and bustle I lost sight of Dongho and Joon-ho. "Guys! Where are you?"

"Monique, it is true that you started the fight at the boxing match?" A guy said sounding angry. I tried to see where that voice came from, but the lights were obstructing my view.

"Monique, did you start the fight to throw the other opponent off focus, so Bizzy could win?" That voice said again as the anger grew in his tone.

I gasped in disgust. Everyone surrounding me grew quiet to hear my response. "I'm not that kind of person! I didn't even start the fight!"

"What about you and Bizzy? Are you still an item?" Another woman questioned in mock disgust. My tears fell before I had a chance to catch them. "How do you feel about your attackers being set free from jail?"

"What did you say?" My eyes grew wide in fear. "They're free?"



Joon-ho calls for help as they take down the rioters. I try to stumble my way to the door before I lose consciousness, but I'm caught in the cross fire. The drunken maniac manages to cut me again on the same arm. He tackles me to the ground, and I scream out in agony. More guards come and restrain the drunken crowd.

I'm too weak to fight back, and I've lost too much blood with this additional gash on my arm. "I'm going to kill you." He inhaled a clump of my hair. "I'm going to have fun with a pretty little thing like you! Can you scream for me, doll?" In an instant the guy is thrown off of me. My vision goes hazy as someone picks me up. Their voices start to get muffled, and I pass out.

End of Flashback


He's free, and he's coming to kill me. The world started spinning. I pushed everyone away from me and stumbled to the curb. A car crashed onto the sidewalk and sped up in my direction. My life flashed before my eyes. My body made contact with something heavy and hard. I crashed to the floor with such force I'm sure I broke something. I rolled a few times as blood poured from my head onto the concrete.

People screamed... My head throbbed... Bright lights... Blinding lights... Muffled voices... Darkness... Silence... Nothingness...

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