Chapter 67

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After Yoongi repeated back what he had overheard, Mo got up and went home. She stood on the porch contemplating on whether or not she should enter. The sound of glass breaking reached her ears, and Mo wasted no time in coming to her husband's aid. She made sure to keep quiet and alert, so as not to scare him.

Rounding that corner it was apparent that Joon Young had drunken himself until he lost all common sense. He nursed another drink in his hand while he stared down at his wife's wedding ring. "Jeongmal mianhae. (I'm so sorry.)" She heard him repeating.

As the tears fell down his face at a rapid pace, Mo yearned to kiss them away. She made her way over to her husband and bent down until she was at his eye level. "Joon Young..." The sound of her voice brought him out of his sulking and he willed himself to open his eyes.

"Monique?" He gasped in unbelief that his wife came back to him. "Jeongmal mianhae. Naneun neoleul dollyeojugi wihae mueos-ideun halgeoya. Dasi ol geolago mal haejuseyo. (I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to have you back. Please say you'll come back.)"

"Hey, I forgive you. Now let's get you in the bed." Joon Young leaned on his wife for support as she helped him up the stairs and into the bed. She made sure to give him some painkillers to ease the hangover he'd surely have in the morning. Sitting at the edge of the bed, Monique stared at her husband and sighed.

She has a good man, she thought to herself. Stroking his face, she kissed him on the cheek and left for the bathroom. The smell of alcohol was making her nauseous. After she washed up and brushed her teeth, she got dressed in her pajamas and headed for the living room.

The DVD started to play and Monique made herself comfortable on the couch. Watching her wedding video made her cry. Her and Joon Young have been given chance after chance to survive, and each time they had overcome the obstacles placed in front of them. This time was no different.

She decided right then and there to fight for her marriage. Their 5 year anniversary was coming up, maybe they could renew their vows to one another. By the time the video ended Mo was fast asleep. When she awoke in the morning she found herself in her bed with Joon Young's arms wrapped securely around her.

Nausea was creeping up her esophagus and she fought to escape, but Joon Young was in deep sleep. "Joon Young?" She hit his bare chest hard and he quickly jumped up, releasing Mo from her makeshift prison. Now it was Joon Young's turn to come to her aid. Standing up Mo swayed on her feet.

Joon Young held onto her, afraid that if he let go it would all be a dream. "Gwenchana?"

"Mm. I haven't eaten since yesterday." Mo breathed in and out at a slow pace to dispel the vomit from coming back up. As she was about to brush her teeth, she took notice of her wedding ring placed back on her finger. Joon Young gulped in fear of what his wife might do, but Mo simply smiled. "Thank you. My hand felt incomplete without it."

"Does that mean you forgive me?" He asked full of hope. The light crept back into his eyes when Mo nodded her head yes. "I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

Shaking her head in disagreement, she placed her hand on her husband's cheek. "Let's make the most of the days we have left. I don't want us to live in regret over something we can't change. It's in the past; I've forgiven you, and I pray you'll forgive me too."

"I do. I forgive you." He said rubbing my back. After I washed up and got dressed Joon Young took me to the mall, so we could buy Mocha a dress for an overdue family photoshoot. Our bickering and fighting wasn't fair to her, and although we didn't do it in front of her I'm sure she still felt the tension.

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