Chapter 81

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》》Mo's POV:《《

"Sins must be repented of, wounds must be healed and demons must be expelled. The correct remedy must fit the particular problem. Misdiagnosis will likely result in mistreatment.

Many people have been trying to unsuccessfully repent for a sin without realizing that it has actually been a coping mechanism for some underlying pain or emotional wound.

God is able to distinguish sins of the flesh from wounds of the heart. With surgical precision, the divine scalpel of God's Spirit can pinpoint exactly where our problems lie.

Something buried deep within you is broken. Proverbs 18:14 states that if our inner part is injured, the whole person will struggle.

It's impossible for any of us to pass through this life without incurring wounds. We all have them, the question is: what do we do with them? Do we deny they exist? Do we ignore them, hoping they will disappear, only to find them raising their grotesque head later in life? Do we try to stupefy them with some thrill or addiction? Or do we bring them to the only One who can truly help us in our human brokenness - Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race?"

The Pastor preached a lifesaving word this morning. I was going over my notes I took in Sunday service when the door bell rung. Joon Young was standing outside with a single calla lily flower in his hand. It's been 3 weeks since I last seen him.

After he apologized, MFBTY had gone to perform at a concert in Brazil. I had just turned 6 months pregnant today; I didn't think Joon Young would remember. I haven't exactly let him come with me to my doctor's appointments.

Mocha ran downstairs and greeted her father with a big hug and a kiss. "Daddy!" She squealed with excitement.

Upon hearing his Father's voice, Junior crawled from his play spot in the living room to the front door. Joon Young picked up both Mocha and Junior, as I stepped to the side to let him enter in the house we once shared...

He showered them in gifts, as if that would make up for his absence. A wetness coated my hand as I looked down at the slightly crushed stem of the lily flower. Feeling sad for the flower, I quickly tried to save it by putting it into a glass of water.

The flower looked like how I felt inside... wounded. Taemin walked in moments later making Mocha squeal again. "Oppa, you're home!" She jumped down from her Father's arms and ran to her big brother, as she likes to call him. I'm so thankful that everyone in this house gets along.

Initially, Taemin took to Mocha naturally. Mocha is gifted with a nurturing spirit. When they first met in the safe house, Mocha took care of him. She made sure he ate, and she just showered him in loads of love. Of course, this made Roman Jr. feel some type of way.

I sat back and watched it all play out, feeling slightly amused at Joon Young's facial expression. Taemin picked up Mocha, kissing her cheek as they conversed. He stopped by my seat, greeted me and kissed my cheek before he greeted Joon Young.

Once Junior took notice of Taemin, he reached out his arms for him too. "TaeTae." Taemin chuckled, but he held Junior too and went into another room to give us some privacy.

"Wa! I never thought I'd see the day when my kids would choose another guy over me." Joon Young said to himself, looking deflated.

"And who's fault is that?" I murmured under my breath. The Lord convicted me, and I quickly repented.

"How's our son, Joon-ki?" I looked up as he sat down across from me. "When's your next ultrasound?"

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I took a deep breath before answering him. "He's fine, and my appointment was at 9 this morning, but..."

The offense bubbled over in him, like I knew it would, and before I could finish my sentence he exploded. "Jagi, you agreed to let me come to the appointments from now on."

"#1- Don't call me that, and #2- You should know better than to jump to conclusions."
Joon Young winced at my words but said nothing further after he apologized. "Mhm... anyway, I rescheduled the appointment for tomorrow at 11 in the morning. I wasn't sure when you were returning."

He looked uncertain about something, but I wasn't about to play "Guess who." His eyes stared holes in me until smoke started rising. "What is it, Joon Young?"

"I was wondering umm... uh could I stay here tonight? I'm really exhausted, and I don't want to fall asleep on the road."

I looked at him; I mean like REALLY looked at him like he had lost his damn mind. "Now why would I let you do that?"

"Monique, they are my kids too! I have a right to see them!"

Chuckling at his response, I shrugged my shoulders suddenly bored with this conversation. "My dude... what are you talking about? No one said anything about keeping you from your kids. While you have a right to see your kids, this is MY house. I paid for it, and my name's the only one that's on it so, I have every right to not let you stay."

"Jebal... I just want to spend time with my kids. Not seeing them every day is killing me."
He cried.

"Yeah, well who's fault is that?" Getting up from my seat, Joon Young gently grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Mian... may I please spend the night?"

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