Chapter 66

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Joon Young POV -

A week ago:

"Joonie!" The only person who calls me by that nickname is the one who gave it to me. My wife cut her eye at me, but I had to face this person alone. After I told Mo to go inside the house and wait for me I turned around to find Kim Narae standing in my driveway.

I'm not sure how she found me, but her timing is bad. "Aren't you going to hug me?" She said playfully.

I wrapped my arms around her as I tried to make sense of my emotions. "You died..."

Narae shook her head no. "No, I only faked my death to get away from Ji-hoon."

Hearing his name ignited an anger in me. "Why are you here?" I took a couple of steps back from her and she frowned.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for lying to you for all of these years." I accepted her apology and had turned around to go inside of my house when she stopped me. "Don't go... please let's spend the day together."

Nothing good would come of this, plus Mo was waiting for me. "No, I don't think that's a good-"

"I'm dying, Joon Young!" Narae cried. "Please just spend the day with me like old times. I want to make as many happy memories as I can before my time here is done."

Pulling her back into my embrace I kissed her head. "I'm sorry..." Taking her hand in mine, we climbed into her car and drove off for downtown. Some time during the ride I unconsciously took off my wedding band. Our hands brushed up against one another as we were walking in the park, and I naturally intertwined our fingers.

I made sure to make Narae as happy as possible. She looked so carefree; I hope my efforts are enough to give her peace. Pulling her into the cafe a couple of hours later, I was genuinely surprised to see my wife. The look of betrayal on her face caused me to feel guilty.

After Mo and Narae got into an argument Mo stormed off. People stared at us and whispered. I felt embarrassed so I pulled Narae outside with me hoping to catch my wife and properly introduce them to one another. I called Mo, but she cut her phone off. I was so screwed.

"She seems like a catch." Narae chuckled but I could hear the bitterness in her voice. "How long have you two been married?"

"5 years." The sky turned grey just like my marriage. What am I even doing here? "I have to go. I'm sorry." Before leaving Narae stopped me and gave me her cell number.


I had to do a lot of groveling to get Mo to forgive me. Narae and I have been texting nonstop though. She's an old classmate. I don't have any feelings for her anymore. At least that's what I tell myself, but I can feel those emotions I used to have for Narae resurfacing and yet they're overshadowed by her betrayal.

Our conversations are harmless. Mo is letting jealousy get the best of her. She has nothing to worry about. Plus I don't make a big deal when she hangs out with her guy friends.

I took Mo shopping for a dress for my class reunion. She actually told me that I wasn't going if she wasn't with me. I still chuckle at the mini temper tantrum. She looked so cute, but I wasn't planning on going if she wasn't by my side anyway.

Separating from my wife I had gone to buy an outfit. I found one rather quickly and was on my way back to her when I bumped into Narae. She was shopping for an outfit as well.

We made plans to meet up later on when my wife called me. I rejected the call and bid my farewells to Narae. I was just about to leave to go and find my wife when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I already knew who it was by the smell of her perfume.

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