Chapter 48

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Mo's POV:

          I had just finished doing my business in the bathroom when I noticed that the room was empty. I heard voices in the hallway, so I was going to join Joon Young when I heard Roman speaking. "Veronica seems to think that this house is the cause for Monique's PTSD returning. It's highly likely, considering everything that just transpired. She also thinks that it's best if you and Monique move to a different house."

          "Right now? Is that even safe for her and the baby?" My husband sounded so stressed. I bet he's rubbing his hands down his face in frustration right now.

          "It's the safest bet." Roman said.

          Damn! It has returned? Could that be the reason why I don't remember what happened earlier? I covered my mouth as I began to cry. Stupid hormones... I think I know what triggered my PTSD. This morning after Joon Young left and Veronica arrived, I received mail stating that Vladimir changed his will, and I was now the primary beneficiary for his life insurance policy, which is 10 million dollars. 

          It was burdensome to say the least. This was his way of apologizing, I suppose. I called the lawyer's number printed at the bottom of the letter to verify that this wasn't one of Vladimir's sick jokes. It wasn't; this is the real deal. Apparently Vladimir left a large sum of money to Anatoly, Veronica, Kai and Kahi, Tasha, Jordan and JK, Macy and Roman Jr., Gio, Grayson and Michael, as well as Joon-ho, Dongho and my Aunt and Uncle. His lawyer wants to meet me in a couple of days, but would I be able to accept his blood money though?

"But I don't have the money or the time to look for another place. My group and I are going to perform at K-Con in a month, and that's all the way in California." Joon Young sighed and I heard a bump on the wall. "I can't risk Mo flying, because it could harm her and Mocha-Sarang. Tell me there's another way, Roman? My back is against the wall."

I couldn't hold back anymore; I needed to be strong for my husband. He needs to know that he's not in this alone. No matter what happens I'll never stop fighting for our family. We've been through too much to allow this setback to break us. Going over to my phone and picking it up I had gone into the closet to make a call.

"Hello, Mr. Macario... yes it's me Monique Park. I can meet you this Friday at 11am to discuss the terms of Vladimir's life insurance policy. Yes that'd be perfect. Okay, thank you. Mhm see you then. Goodbye." I ended the call and stepped out of the closet to see Joon Young standing there.

"Hey jagiya. How are you feeling?" He smiled at me, but I could tell it was forced. I subtly slid the phone in my back pocket and smiled back.

He just stood there looking at me and it made me nervous. I approached him and smoothed out the lines in his forehead. "What are you thinking about that has you so stressed?"

Apparently he was so lost in thought that he didn't see me standing right in front of him. My hand on his face snapped him out of his thoughts. "Huh? I'm sorry... I just..."

"A penny for your thoughts." I smiled and handed him the small copper coin. Intertwining our hands I led him to the bed. We sat down and I waited for him to speak.

"How would you feel about moving to another house? I think I outgrew this one already." He shrugged but waited for me to answer.

Looking at him intently all I could do was hug him. "You're the best husband I could have ever asked for. You're a great provider for me and baby Mocha-Sarang. I respect any decision you make. I trust that you have our best interest in mind."

When I pulled back I had seen that Joon Young was tearing up. "Thank you so much. I needed to hear that. I felt like.... like I wasn't a good provider. Sometimes I can't do it all..."

I kissed his lips and wiped at his fallen tears. "You weren't meant to do it all, baby. Give your worries over to God and trust Him. Don't stress yourself out. God will work it out for our good. I'm sure of it."

Joon Young nodded his head. "You're right. I'll put my trust in God's word that He can do all things." He planted a kiss on my lips while his hands rested upon my belly. 

I giggled at Joon Young's expression when Mocha-Sarang started kicking. "She's missed her daddy." 

"You both are my world. Thank you for blessing me." He leaned in for a kiss, but I ruined the moment by farting. "Ugh, jagiya... you could've warned me!!!" He ran to the window opening it up and sticking his head out gasping for air.

I fell back on the bed laughing so hard my stomach started hurting. "Mianhae baby. Mocha-Sarang made me do it."

"Don't you dare blame my baby for that poison you just released." Joon Young pointed at me. I burst out into laughter again; he joined me seconds later. After we calmed down he asked me out. "Let's go out on a date." I nodded happily. "How about this Friday?"

My face fell but I quickly masked it with a smile. "Sure thing. If you make it at 2pm, then you have yourself a deal."

"Oh ok." I could tell that he wanted to ask me something, but I hoped he wouldn't. If everything goes accordingly at this meeting then I'll bring it up at our date. If it turns out to be another trick from Vladimir, then I'll tell Joon Young when we get home. There's no need to make a scene in public. "Do you have plans that morning?" He asked cautiously.

I nodded as my answer, hoping he would get the hint that I didn't want to talk about it. "Ok then, we'll go on our date at 2:30. Does that work for you?"

"It's perfect. Thank you." My stomach growled and Joon Young stepped away from me. "Don't worry; it's just my stomach growling." I chuckled. "Come on, let's go make some food."

We walked downstairs to Veronica, Macy, Roman Jr, Roman and Anatoly. "Hey guys! When did you get here?" I said giving each of them a hug. 

"How are you feeling, sestra?" Anatoly said as he felt my head and sighed in relief. "Slava Bogu! (Thank God!)" He whispered and kissed my cheek.

"I'm fine, Anatoly." I chuckled. "Are you guys hungry? I was just about to make some food." 

"Yes, we came right on time! I'll take a plate." Dongho said walking into the house with Joon-ho a few paces behind him. They kissed my forehead just as JK, Tasha, Jordan, Kai, Gio, Grayson and Michael came in moments later.

"I heard food! You already know we're eating." Grayson chuckled.

Veronica, Macy and Tasha followed me to the kitchen. "We'll help you, Mo."

"Wanna play with me?" Jordan asked Roman Jr. after he came and gave me my hug and kiss. He nodded and they ran off somewhere laughing. The guys turned on the TV to watch sports. This turned out to be a perfect ending to my day. I couldn't have been blessed with a more loving family.

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