Chapter 13

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Veronica's POV: 2 weeks ago

"Honey, I'm home!" I yell out from the foyer.

"In here." My husband, Kai, calls out from his office. I walk in to see 3 men all holding guns to my husband's head. He's all bloody and bruised.

"Kai!" I advance on him, but another guard steps in my way. I attack him and knock him out, but another guard comes and tases me.

"Mrs. Tae, how nice of you to join us." A very intimidating man with an Italian accent stands up from behind the desk and approaches me. "I hear that you can help me with my problem."


"You want me to what?" I stare at the man in disbelief.

He grabs my hair and pulls it back, so I'm looking into his eyes. "I don't like to repeat myself. Can you do it or not? If you can't I'll kill your family right now, but if you can then maybe I won't kill them."

I laugh in his face, but it upsets him to the point of having him pulling my hair tighter. "Bring her to me." He demands to one of his guards.

"I don't make deals with the devil." I spit.

A guard brings in my daughter blindfolded. "Mr. Stroganoff, here she is as requested."

"Oh, you'll soon find out that I can be pretty persuasive." Mr. Stroganoff walks over to my daughter and puts a knife to her throat. "I'll give you to the count of 3 to decide." I looked towards my husband with tears streaming down my face, but I made sure to keep quiet, so my daughter wouldn't fear.

"1.... 2..... thr-"

"OK, I'LL DO IT!" I yelled, putting my hand up to stop him. "I'll do it... just, just let my family go."

He smirked. "You have yourself a deal."

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

{Skip to the hospital scene}

I watch as Joon-ho nods his head. Damn, he's telling what I did. "Well.... who was it?" I hear Joon Young ask. Good, he hasn't told him yet. He opened up his mouth to speak, but I interrupted.

"Hey, Joon Young! How is she?" I grab a hold of his arm and look towards my cousin-in-law. "Oh, Joon-ho, I didn't know you'd be here! What a... pleasant surprise!" I force myself to smile, but Joon-ho only glares at me.

"My brother Dong-ho and I will be taking Mo to the airport after she's discharged this afternoon. Goodbye." Joon-ho slightly bows and heads back into Mo's room. Mo's leaving? It's for the best. It just might spare her life.

"We should do something nice for Mo." Especially since my husband is the reason she's in this predicament. Ugh! I tell you. If the Italian mafia doesn't kill him, I will. I look back to Joon Young but he's spaced out.

I wave my hand in front of his face to gain his attention. "Joon Young? Hello, are you there?" He snaps out of his trance and looks at me. "Come on, let's go buy a gift for your friend."

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

4 hours! That's how long it took me to stall. I'm hoping Mo got as far away from here as possible. Joon Young kept complaining about me taking forever, but I told him the gift had to be perfect. Girls like nice things from the heart.

We make it back to the hospital, and I park behind a black BMW. I instantly recognize Joon-ho's car and panic. Damn, she hasn't left yet! The car drives off and I breathe in relief. Joon Young and I make our way inside. As we get closer to the reception desk my phone buzzes. My eyes go wide with fear, but I feel Joon Young watching me, so I quickly mask it.

A Shot At Love [MFBTY- Bizzy AMBW]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora