Chapter 61

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Joon Young tried to stop me, said it was too dangerous for the baby, but it's dangerous either way. Whoever these goons are they started the war, but I'm gonna be the one to finish it. This is our territory and we don't take too kindly to strangers. If I let them get away with this who's to say they won't come after us next?

I had some of the crew with me while we were at the club. Grayson and Michael were keeping watch somewhere around here, while I made sure to dress in a way which would gain me attention. I shuddered when I remembered what took place the last time I was here for my birthday.

I took a seat in the V.I.P section, and the waiter came by and handed me a drink. "From the guy at table 3..." He pointed to the man, and I lifted up my drink and toasted him. "Don't worry; it's water. I made it myself." Grayson said before he walked off.

Holding in my laugh, I tilted the glass back and drank it all. Michael approached me and asked for a dance, and I kindly took his hand. We dance for 2 songs straight and then I had gone to the bathroom. I had seen the woman in question go into the bathroom so I followed her.

When I walked in, it got quiet. I used the bathroom because my bladder was ready to explode. I put the silencer on my gun and stuck it back in the holder on my thigh next to my knife. Coming out to wash my hands, I noticed another female standing close by. I took a paper towel, dried my hands and then got ready to leave.

The female in question blocked my way and sneered at me. "I don't know what Azubuike sees in you, but stay away from him."

Her accent was strong... Nigerian, I believe. I chuckled and moved her hand from out of my face. "I don't know anyone by the name of 'Azubuike,' so move out my way!" She nodded to her friend, and her friend locked the bathroom door and stood guard. "What's your name?"

"My name is Obioma, and this here is my most trusted friend Oladele." Obioma smirked at me. "But none of that matters, because you won't be alive to remember it. You think you can come here and take away my man?"

"A guy tried to get with her the other night and Azubuike killed him." Her friend Oladele boasted. "Stabbed him right in the back. Serves him right too. Azubuike and Obioma were promised to each other."

My anger flared at the mention of Azubuike stabbing Anatoly. In one swift motion I grabbed Obioma by her head and repeatedly slammed it into my knee. "He was my brother!" I back handed her and she fell back.

Oladele charged at me and pushed me up against the wall. She threw punch after punch, and I blocked most of them. In her anger, she wore herself out and that's when I struck her down with my knife. She never saw it coming.

While Obioma was still recovering on the floor, I placed her friend on the toilet seat and shut the door. I cleaned my knife off and placed it back into the holster. Walking over to Obiome, I bent down and looked her over. "I will end you!" She growled out.

"I mean you can try. I already disposed of your friend." That got her attention, and her eyes frantically searched for Oladele. I stood up stretching my legs. "Search all you want; the only thing you'll find is her dead body."

I leaned on the wall as she stood to her feet and opened all of the stall doors. When she got to the last one, she screamed bloody murdered. Her watery eyes found mine, and I smirked in satisfaction. "May God strike me down if I don't kill you tonight."

"Get ready for the lightning bolt then." I joked, but she charged at me. Moving out of the way, I tripped her and she ran into the wall. "Oh come on! You can do better than that!" Obioma tried again, and I punched her into the glass mirror and stomped her while she was down.

Someone kicked the door open, and I smiled as I stared into the angry face of Azubuike. Ah, he's right on time. He pulled out a gun, and I dragged Obioma with me in the stalls. Azubuike started kicking stalls open, and I braced myself.

He got to ours and I threw Obioma at him as his gun went off into her chest. She fell to the floor and he held her in his arms. They exchanged sweet nothing's, and I rolled my eyes in boredom. Finally she died and I clapped my hands.

His eyes of blazing fire found mine and he stood up. "In my defenze she started it... and technically you killed her."

"She was my wife!" He growled.

I walked out from the stalls and circled around him. Michael and Grayson stood guard at the door and watched the scene play out. Azubuike was so focused on me that he didn't even know his men were dead. "You stabbed one of my men in the back last night."

"Consider this retribution." Michael spoke up.

"An eye for an eye..." Grayson chimed in.

"You did this all for some weak little kid?" Azubuike balled his fists.

"HE WAS MY BROTHER!!!" I grabbed him by the neck and bashed his head on the sink. He reached back and sliced the air with a knife. It caught me on the shoulder, and I chuckled.
We got into attack mode and I took out my knife as well. "I will end you!"

"Yeah your wife already used that line and looked what happened to her." I taunted him, getting under his skin. "Oh but don't worry, Oladele joined her in the afterlife."

"My sister... is... dead?"

I nodded my head and pointed to her resting place. "Mhm. Last stall to your right- You can't miss it." Seeing his life crumble before his very eyes, he quickly turned my way and charged. I blocked his attack, but then he kicked my leg out from underneath me and sliced my cheek.
I held up my hand as he stuck his knife through my palm. My body went through toxic shock, temporarily paralyzing me. I heard Mocha-Sarang's voice calling out to me, bringing me back to life.

Azubuike held me up and began choking me. I took out his knife from my hand and stuck it in his neck. He loosened his grip on my neck and pulled out his knife. He killed himself faster and bled out on the bathroom floor. Grayson and Michael helped me to my feet, and we walked out the back door.

Roman sent cleaners to dispose of the bodies and make the bathroom presentable. The guys had taken me to General Hospital to get my wounds treated. Joon Young was not gonna be happy. Good news, Anatoly was on the road to recovery. I had gone and visited him before I had gone home to face the music.

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