Chapter 8

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Bizzy and I have been dating for 3 months now. We act like best friends. There are still moments when we go through the awkward stages, but it's bearable. He's opening up more, which is great.

Bizzy has an important boxing tournament today, and my aunt, Tasha, JK and myself are here in the front row supporting him. I must say my man is very skilled with his hands. By the way he's going after the other opponent I can tell Bizzy already won the fight.

A blonde haired blue eyed bombshell takes the empty seat next to me. Everyone glances at her and tenses up. "Ah, Veronica Drake... it's... nice to see you." JK spoke up while the other two stayed silent.

"Likewise" she said not taking her eyes off of Bizzy. I could feel the tension wrap us all in a blanket of awkwardness. Veronica liked Bizzy, that much was obvious, but she had another thing coming if she thought I would give him up.

Minutes pass and I hear whispers. I look to my right and see Tasha and my aunt talking in hushed tones. They give each other a look, and I know nothing good will come of whatever they're planning. My aunt and Tasha turn to me, and JK gives them a confused look. Once he's hip to their plan he smirks and looks my way.

They start teasing me about finally dating Bizzy. I buried my face in my hands when they even started planning my future with him. Veronica Drake was long forgotten about. This went on for a good 20 minutes until Veronica had enough.

Veronica scoffs and starts throwing racial insults my way. My aunt was not having any of that and knocks Veronica off of her high horse. I ignore the blonde bimbo for the most part and focus my attention to cheering on Bizzy.

People in close proximity who had their phones out recording the boxing match were now focused on Veronica going off on me. And yes, she caused a scene. I figured her to be the type to steal someone's spotlight. She proved me right. Thankfully Bizzy and his opponent didn't see or hear this one-sided confrontation.

Blondie becomes enraged that I refuse to acknowledge her, while I notice that Bizzy clearly has the upper hand in the fight. Veronica's face gets all red like she's gonna explode any second, and then she disrespects me for the last time. The bell rings signaling the 3 round is over. The arena goes silent as Veronica pours her drink all over me, spits on me and then slaps me.

The crowd erupts in laughter. Most people are pointing and laughing at me, and it takes everything within me not to cry and run out of the building. The embarrassment becomes overwhelming. Tasha, JK, my aunt and I are trapped in a state of shock and outrage. Bizzy turns to look just as I lunge for Veronica, but JK grabs me in mid-air and holds me back.

The security guards come to remove the disturbance. Veronica says something in Korean and then points to me. JK, Tasha and my aunt are arguing with the security guards as they come and drag me away. As I'm being taken away intoxicated people are throwing food and racial slurs at me.

The guards do little to shield me as they try and calm down the rowdy crowd, and I'm left open and vulnerable to another round of attacks. One drunken guy got close enough to cut my arm deeply with a pocket knife. The guard to my left punched the guy back and rushed me out.

I'm brought to the security office down in the basement. By this point I'm scared, hurt, bleeding and angry. I can hear the chaos upstairs, and I'm fearing for my life. Drunken people are unpredictable; drunken racists are even worse. The fight has been delayed for 15 minutes due to the uproar Veronica's temper tantrum has caused. Bizzy walks in the room 5 minutes later and sees me crying, but he remains indifferent towards me.


I stand in shock at his accusation and yell that it wasn't my fault but his friend's. "ME? I DID NOTHING WRONG! YOUR FRIEND STARTED IT!" I scoff at him. "Some boyfriend you are! You're supposed to be on my side, babe! You promised to protect me... "

Words are thrown around carelessly and without much thought. We are at our breaking point, stuck in a blind rage. Bizzy is lashing out of hurt and anger, and I'm crying out for help in the form of fear, pain and anger. But I never anticipated this heartbreak so soon. "WELL THEN MAYBE WE SHOULD BREAK UP SINCE I'M NOT LIVING UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS!"

I gasp and soften my tone. "What? No! That's not what I meant, Bizzy..."

He walks to the door. "I have a fight to win. It's over between us!"

I yell out, afraid that if he leaves me in here alone someone might come and finish what Veronica started in the arena. "IF YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR..." he bangs on the door and a guard opens it. Bizzy walks out and slams the door in my face. I bang it on enraged. "...I WON'T BE HERE WHEN YOU RETURN!!!"

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