Chapter 28

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Mo's POV:

Everything around me was quiet as I laid still on the cold hard ground. I waited for the inevitable; I knew one of them would claim me. Now it was just a matter of who would get to me first. A cold chill ran up my spine, forcing my body to quiver. I could've swore that I heard Bizzy's voice. It only served as a reminder that I lost him.

My shot at love was over.

The tears fell, but I made no move to wipe them. I didn't want the reminder that Bizzy's dead because of me. So I'll just lie here and die instead. Maybe we could be together in the afterlife. This was it: the bitter reveal of who my captor would be. The footsteps stopped by me and I tried to hide within myself. Hands wrapped themselves around my bare skin; I tensed and tried to shield myself from further abuse and humiliation.

"Please... don't hurt me." I continued to cry out. God, I change my mind; I dont want to die. Help me! If you leave me here death will surely swallow me whole. Send your angel to protect me, please?

"Shhh." I could tell it was a man stroking my hair, and it surprisingly calmed me. "No one's gonna ever hurt you again. I'm here." That voice... it couldn't be him!

Letting my curiosity get the best of me I instantly sat up and turned around to face him. I lifted up my shaky hand and touched his face. "Bizzy? Oh God! It is you!" Wasting no time to keep him close I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands instantly pulled me closer to him.

"I love you, Mo. I'll love you forever!" Bizzy declared, kissing my head. I buried my face in his chest as he carried me bridal style. My ears picked up on the sniffles in the distance. I dared myself to see where the sounds were coming from. Everyone was in tears; the reality of what just happened finally had time to sink in. We survived; we beat the odds again. Thank you, God for answering my prayer.

Vladimir made eye contact with me and I shrunk back in fear, but something else made itself present in my heart: mercy. That was nobody but God, because my flesh wanted to hate him for all of eternity and see him burn in Hell. God released me from my own demise and gave me a heart of forgiveness towards my enemies. I did ask God to help me; I didn't have forgiveness in mind, but that's why He's God and I'm not.

I watched in shock as Vladimir was brought to his knees. As the tears flowed from his eyes he lifted his head and his hands towards the sky. Though his words were barely above a whisper I could tell God was moving upon his heart. Hey, even my enemies need Jesus too! Roman and Macy dropped to their knees and hugged Vladimir.

Tasha and JK were hugging. Dongho and Joon-ho were hugging; even Michael, Grayson and Gio were embracing one another. This was a close call. I can't imagine having to live my life like this every day. It's been clear since day one that the Mafia life isn't the life for me. Bizzy takes me outside and we walk towards the plane.

My mind goes back to the cell Vladimir held me prisoner in for 3 days, and I start hyperventilating thinking about hhowI wouldn't be able to escape once we were in the air. "No, Bizzy stop!" As if on cue, he stops walking and looks down at me concerned. "I can't go in there." I say shaking my head fiercely. "Please don't make me go in there."

"Baby, what's wrong?" Bizzy looks into my watery eyes waiting for my response. When I don't give him one he sighs and puts me on my feet. "Baby, please don't shut me out. Talk you me." I immediately cover my bare chest and turn my back to him in embarrassment. Bizzy takes notice of this and clears his throat. "I'm sorry... I forgot..."

"Not to worry, I got the both of you covered." Macy says coming over to us with clean t-shirts. She helps me into a large grey shirt and hugs me.

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