Chapter 44

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Anna cried and gripped Vladimir tighter. "I'm pregnant..." She utters before she falls to the ground dead.

          Vladimir stares at her body in shock. My shaky hands reach for the gun and I brace myself for his wrath. A sharp pain in my stomach makes me double over in agony. "Oh God, please save my baby!" I think to myself. I gripped the gun in an attempt to ride out the pain. 

          "You killed her..." Vladimir whispers, but I don't even look at him. "YOU KILLED MY BABY!" He screams and charges for me. As his hand wraps around my throat I cry.

          "That was an accident... I promise..." Something in me clicks and I glare at him. "But it's a life for a life. You killed my baby, so I'll make sure you never reproduce again." Lifting the gun up to his chest I pull the trigger 3 times.

          As Vladimir falls to the floor I gasp for air. His body twitches and I empty the rounds in his body, making sure he doesn't resurrect like some Halloween Michael Myers bullcrap. I make sure to shoot him in his head just to be sure he doesn't haunt me in my dreams like Freddie Krueger. 

          I stumble to the mirror and scan my fingerprint, releasing Veronica and Tasha. They rush out and embrace me. We cry in each other’s arms. Tasha notices the dead bodies and looks back at me in shock. "Did you do that?"

          Nodding my head I make sure to keep my eyes off of them. The entire house is quiet and that scares me. Footsteps can be heard coming closer to the room. Tasha pushes me behind her, as Veronica hides behind the door ready to attack whoever is on the other side.  

          The door opens and Roman walks in. Veronica puts the sneak attack on him and drops him to the floor. He groans out in pain, and as we realize it's him we breathe out in relief. She helps him up and he dusts himself off. Roman looks to the floor at his dead brother and his eyes go wide.

          Roman mourns the death of his brother, while I'm just happy that this war between us is finally over. Anatoly rushes inside the room next but his gaze automatically lands on his sister. He looks angry, and I cautiously back away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill her. She just came out of nowhere...." Before I can say anything else Anatoly closes the distance and hugs me tightly. 

          "Are you okay? I was so worried about you! We heard the gun shots and I just assumed the worst." Anatoly's eyes water, and this the first time I've seen him this emotionally torn out of the 3 years I've come to know him personally.

          I blink away the tears and smile. "I'm good. I'm finally good..." 

          Looking up I finally take notice of Roman as he wipes at his own tears. "Monique, where do I begin?" Anatoly walks up to Tasha and Veronica and hugs them too. Roman slowly makes his way over to me and embraces me. "I'm so sorry for everything I put you through; I'm terribly sorry for the awful crimes my brother committed against you. Thank you for putting him out of his misery."

          "Thank you for believing me and sending backup." I whisper. Suddenly something shifts inside of me and I groan in pain. My heart begins to beat irregularly, causing my breaths to become short. I clutch at my chest and my eyes go wide in horror. 

          Joon Young burst through the door moments later and rushes to my side. "Jagiya, you're bleeding..." He whimpers. I look down and sure enough my sweat pants are covered in blood.

          "We need to get her to my clinic now!" Roman and Veronica keep a close eye on me.

          Joon Young picks me up and rushes me to the car. On the way there I notice the desolation to our house. I cry out from emotional pain. "Oh god our house..."

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