Chapter 26

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"Help me... please..." Her tears fall over the brim like a waterfall, but Vladimir just turns his head away and sighs.

Monique screams out in pain when Alexei bites down hard on her nipple. "Hm! I guess when faced with death he really doesn't love you after all. Now you're on your own." Stacy laughs.


Vladimir POV:

I watch in anguish as Alexei takes advantage of Monique. My finger is twitching to put a bullet in his head for touching her. She's mine! Her screams reach my ears and pull me under. I'm drowning in her pain. She looks at me with those big brown doe eyes, and I almost break. She begs me for help. Me out of all people; I'm speechless.

Her body ignites a fire within me that I have to look away. My wife is going to die tonight; I'll make sure of it. Everyone is looking away from the scene playing out right in front of us. We're not match for these guys... right now.

Stacy comes close to me circling me with her nails trailing along my shoulders, "Payback is a b****, isn't it?" Her laugh was once adored, but now it sounds like nails scrapping a chalk board. I cringed I'm disgust; she takes notice as hurt flashes through her eyes.

As she walks away from me I sigh in relief. "How about we switch places, huh?" I get this sinking feeling deep within the pit of my stomach as Stacy smirks.

Alexei seems to catch on and nods in approval. "Very well then." I quickly take a glance at Monique. Her soft whimpers call out to me, mixed with sadness and hatred. I'm thankful as she covers her chest with her hands. I make sure to give each and every guard the death glare. "Vladimir..." Alexei catches me off. "She's all yours."

He points to a very frightened Monique and it all clicks. My blood begins to boil at their audacity, but I play it cool. "This was your plan all along, wasn't it Stacy?" She simply chuckles. "If I do this then she'll come to despise me; she'll never love me, but that's what you want, am I right?"

"My, you catch on fast." Alexei smirks in victory. "This is war, and what are we taught at a very young age? Find your enemy's weakness and use it against them." He looks at Monique and then back to me with an evil glint in his eyes. "I found yours. Check mate!"

Shaking my head I take a step closer to him. "I won't do it, not this way. I'm a lot of things, but a rapist is not one of them." Without warning Alexei pistol whips me

"If you won't," he lands a perfect punch to my stomach, "Then I will kill everyone here and make you watch as I allow my men to have their fill of her. How does that sound men?" Alexei turns to his men as they cheer excitedly. "So what's it gonna be?"

"No." I deadpan. "I will kill you before your men lay a hand on her." Alexei smirks and signals for his men to proceed. As the first man steps forward I take Alexei by surprise by taking his gun out of his hand while his back is turned to me.

Without warning I finish the job by putting a bullet in Alexei's skull. I quickly turn around and put a bullet in Stacy's head as well. Before she hits the ground I open fire on all of Alexei's men. Grayson and Michael pick up their weapons and start shooting. I look up to see Gio shooting from the roof.

Minutes later the shooting ceases as more bodies litter the floor. I make my way to Monique, but I'm stopped by a bloody hand on my shoulder...


Bizzy's POV: 10 hours earlier:

"Hey babe, I'm calling to let you know that I'm on my way to the Oprah show now. I'm kinda scared though..." Monique chuckled and then sighed to herself.

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