Yuki Sohma

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"What does the world look like through your eyes! You make me wonder."

"There was something I wanted... Something I envisioned... Loving parents... A happy home... With everyone smiling at me. A home that no one would want to leave. A warm place... A warm person... It exists... I know it does."


"I suppose he's got his good side... To stick up for others... At his own expense... I guess... That's pretty... Cool..."

"I never even laughed like this in front of my parents."

"Her father died, and then her mother died, too. So why... Why isn't she under a dark shadow? How can she keep smiling... And be so bright?"

"Even though Haru has a lot to deal with right now... He still can't be concerned about me. Even now, I'm keeping a lid on the feelings I don't want to admit I have. I can't stand it."

"I'm not sure... It really depends on Haru... I guess. He's fighting... Through a lot."

"It's not that I don't like them... I just don't EXPECT anything from them... Or WANT anything from them. At this point... I no longer have any love... For the people who sold me for their own profit. In the people who sold me, like I was a TOOL. Still, if I call them... For something like a parent-teacher conferences... They might try to TAME me again. I don't know... If I could take that again. I... I hate it."

"Maybe I wanted... To be NEEDED... By something... That wouldn't exist with out me."

"It's nice... People giving birth because thay want children."

"Don't smash it with your bare hands and then EAT it!"

"Everyday... Akito would come to deny everything. In a pitch dark room, I would listen to pitch dark words. My mother and father wouldn't come for me. Neither would Nii-san. In the dark room... What I imagined... WHAT... I WANTED..."

"In order to fight on... I want to believe that my hopes aren't for nothing. I want to believe... That there really is more to life than darkness. Just like even if I'm pelted with rain.I know the sun will come up again. No matter how much... I'm knocked down by pain... Kindness has continued to fall down on me. Ever since that day. ALWAYS..."

"Thank you for always... Listening to me. Thank you for always accepting... My weakness."

'Thank you... For not forgetting... The memory of that day long, long ago. I was very happpy... To be able to save you when you were lost... I've been taught to think that I'm a boring person... But that day... At that time... For just that moment... You made me a NECESSITY. You can't understand... HOW INCREDIBLY HAPPY THAT MADE ME.'

"In just one respect... Rin and I are alike. Were looking for... The same thing."

"He likes Rin so much... He can't help himself. I'm sure that... Isn't based on logic."

"I hope you will learn to feel good about yourself." What is that supposed to mean? How are you supposed to find these good qualities, I wonder, if the reason you don't feel good about yourself is that all you can find are qualities you don't like? I don't think you can. Not like that. That's not how it works. I think what it takes is for someone else to say, "I like you." That's the only way you can truly begin to like yourself. When someone else accepts you, that's when you begin to see yourself - through THEIR eyes - and you begin to realize that there may actually be many qualities to like about yourself. 

"Haru's pretty easy to get along with, but once he's snapped he's uncontrollable. That's our nickname for him when he's like this - Black Haru."

"Still... You have to live with it. Even if they're hopeless or if you're appalled by them, or angry with them... Children can't switch their parents. Just like parents can't switch their children. There's no "RESET" button. So... You have to deal with what you've got."

"Everyone has pressures... In their lives. All kinds of pressures. And we just have to learn to deal with them. Everyone does. Kakeru... Machi... Even me. And my "parents."

"You say you "won't do it it again." Talking like that... Doesn't it drive you into a corner even more? Saying you "won't do it anymore"... Doesn't solve the problem. Both parties have to understand... WHY you do it."

"It's so... Pretty. That pretty orange." *talking about kyo*

"Elementary school. That was a painful place for me. I avoided interacting with the people who surrounded me. Honestly, I didn't know HOW to interact with them. And I didn't want to be hated anymore. And yet... I still couldn't avoid everything."

"Please... Please! Don't erase them! They're my friends! They're the first... Friends... I ever made."

"I don't know his sadness. I don't know ANYTHING. If I really did disappear from this world... Would even a little of his sadness disappear? Maybe disappearing... Is the first truly useful thing I can do. If my dark, useless world is such a hated place then there really is no point to my existence."

"But right now... She's counting on me. She's entrusting me with everything. She wants to find her way again. She's desperate-- that's why she's trailing me. She's... Counting on me. ME. THIS GIRL NEEDS ME." *about finding lost little tohru*

"I'm... I'm so happy. Was I able...  To help... Even just a little? Was I? That makes me so happy. I'm so, so happy! That's right. I remember. There was a time... A moment... When somebody needed me. Even if no one else remembers. Even if you yourself forget. That moment still happened. I KNOW IT DID."

"Even I want someone who lives on my level. I want to be someone, and be needed in return. I don't want to just sleep. I don't want to just receive. I want to give... Something only I can give."

"Filled by the many kindnesses... And all the warmth you gave me. I want to start walking again. I don't want to lose to the darkness. I want to go forward. I want to believe this time... And not waste what I have. I want to find my own proof. My own proof... That I'm alive."

"The person dear to me. The person I so admired... She gave me exactly what I needed. She's precious to me. I want you to be happy. You more than anyone. I'm sure one day... You can find your own proof. You'll do it your own way. That place where we can sulk or get angry if we needed to. One day. And when that day comes... I should be able to tell you. I'll confess how I feel... And finally truly thank you. Clearly. Directly."

"Back then, when she abandoned me, when she threw me away everything lost its color. I thought that everything was over."

"I don't like making it anyone's fault anymore. If I blame somebody else, no matter how much time passes, I won't be able to change."

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