Allen Walker

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"Our injuries will heal as long as we're alive. But the scars will remain."

"No matter what I attempt, even if it's the most simple of tasks, it always ends in failure. Unfortunately, I find that my life is one big regret after another. Yet, after all these years, I still don't know when to give up. Is it my fault to keep trying when the results are always the same? Is it impossible for me to make things right? Even if I'd try to give up, I don't think I could. It's not in my nature to submit in the face of disappointment. In the end, I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment. I really am an idiot."

"When you lose sight of your path, listen for the destination in your heart."

"Even if my left arm can transform into a monstrous claw and can destroy Akuma, im just a normal person with a promise..."

"When there's something you can't understand no matter how much you think about it, you can't just let yourself brood over it forever!"

"Tyki Mikk. There is something about us, Exorcists, that you do not understand. You think Exorcists are mere humans and by destroying their anti-Akuma weapon which is the Innocence...they will become powerless since they are mere humans. But the opponents you should really be afraid of are those humans."

"If it could come true, this is all I'd want. It would have been good if we just played poker and nobody died."

"Because I am a small man, my heart is moved by what's in front of my eyes, not by what the world needs. I just can't abandon what's there in front of me. I want to protect everything I can!"

"My left I give you to the Akuma. My right I give you to the humans. Both are a part of me. And equally important. So neither side be disappointed. Humans as well as Akuma will be saved!"

"God? I don't care about that. I've made an oath to myself that I would destroy the devil! To my friends that I would fight alongside them! To my Father that I would keep walking until the end..! I Made An Oath To All Of Them!! This is the only path that I can take to feel alive."

"I want to be a destroyer who saves."

"Even if I can no longer see out of my left eye, I intend to continue being an exorcist... Just like my friends. I have made the vow."

"It's just as you say. I wanted to tell you, that I'd come back. I knew you'd come for me, Brother... This time, I will kill you. I will kill you and become the Millenium Earl!"

"No matter what happens, I'll keep on moving. Until this life runs out of me, I'll keep on walking."

"When Mana said he loved me, did he mean me or...? Which was it...?"

"This path that I'm walking down... It's not something that was chosen for me, is it...? It's not, right, Tim...?"

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