Yoshida Haru

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"I have someone I like. I never had the confidence and I've doubted my feelings countless of times. But, when she stays by my side and smiles with me, I feel like I can do anything."

"I don't understand you! You said you don't love me, but you act like you do! Then you tell me to stay away. Do I have a chance or not?!"

"Clean up after yourself. If you want to be accepted, you must accept yourself first."

"You can't pick up water once it's spilled, so handle it carefully."

"What's so special about studying? Every problem has an answer. How hard can it be?"

"I never had anything this good before. I guess everything tastes good when I'm with you."

"I'm no expert, but I think people mope when their expectations are too high. It's tiring when you always have to overachieve. Don't overdo it. Just work on achieving what you can."

"Make one peep and I will rape you."

"Did you know? God decides when people get to be lucky or unlucky so everything balances in the end. Well, I don't believe any of that. It's a bunch of smokes and mirrors . Still, I have been thinking lately. If meeting you was my lucky moment, it balances out everything else that's happened. Only good things have happened, since I met you."

"I thought that people in love were supposed to be together..."

"But it's wierd. I don't feel alone. Because I have someone who cares about me. I think that being alone is definitely not the same as being lonely."

"It was so sad. The guy gets partway up before he's dropped back down. God shouldn't be so cruel."

"Every time I tell Shizuku how I feel, things only get worse... I think I have to resort to force."

"Shizuku! Help, I'm being robbed! They asked me for my money!"

"Shizuku! Help, I'm so nervous my legs won't move!"

"Shizuku's the one that's always changing. I wonder if she's going to leave me behind one day... makes me consider ripping off her arms and legs."

"Ever since I confessed, I've been having these... urges."

"I think I like you!" (Eh?! In a friendship way?) "No, in a sexual way!"

"Remember me when you look at the moon."

"It's like, the feeling before the storm. You know it's gonna hit soon. Yet it's your choice whether or not you bitch out."

"I love you. I don't want you to hate me. But I don't want you to leave me behind, either. "

"You're not in love with me anymore, right? I know that. I just want to be with you."

"Have you ever felt empty inside? So empty... You can't feel a thing. Surrounded by darkness... It really scares me. But I'm not scared anymore because I have you."

"I'm scared. Everyone is always afraid of me for some reason. It doesn't take long before they all start avoiding me..."

"If these feelings won't go away, then I need to stop running from them."

*to Haru* "I hope you find the right person one day. I hope you find someone whose presence is enough to soothe your pain."

"You were the first person... To accept me for who I was. When I met you, I learned... What it meant to have relationships with other people. To be honest, until now, I didn't really know what it meant to like someone. But when I'm with you... I can finally feel warmth."

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