Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

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"Excuse me! I'm not a microphone, I'm a chain scythe! A weapon! You don't understand assassination, do you?"

"Silence means approaching...quietly! If you're trying to be an assassin, you have to learn how to shut up!"

"The Camellia Blossom, also known as Tsubaki, is a flower without fragrance. It proclaims nothing, blooming in silence. When the blossom's petals scatter, it's quiet and tragic. I am Tsubaki. A silent flower without fragrance."

"I have a friend who has helped me realize something. He's helped me see that a Camellia does have a fragrance!"

"You guys are a team, you have to work together if you want to do anything! One person can't make a decision without the other, you decide together and you fight together!"

"I'll admit Black Star makes some dumb calls from time to time, but the important thing is I'm here to back him up no matter how big a fool he is. If we're fools we're fools together, that's the kind of team we are."

"Our souls, together with you till the end!"

"When I fall it will be silent and tragic."

"Silence means approaching quietly!"

"Calm down, Black Star. Left is the hand you hold your rice bowl in."

"That isn't true! I'm not going to let you call me some petty flower! Even Tsubaki has have a fragrance!!"

"GIVE IT A REST!! Listen to what the other person has to say before you make your own argument!! If you don't, your own opinion won't come across. Then you'll get angry and get nowhere!"

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