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"Relationships are painful."

"I'm tired of hating myself all the time, and I'm tired of betraying the people I care about, and most of all... I'm sick of being some tool for you to use."

"Do you want to know where the real hell is hiding? It's inside your head."

"I can't deal with it."

"This much I know: my blood is black."

"I'm not very good at talking with girls. They make me nervous."

"I don't like it, the dark circles under my eyes will come back and I don't know how to deal with the dark circles!"

"I've never seen a man with a screw sticking out of his head before. I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with a guy like that!"

"There are stars and planets floating around me. I don't think I can handle astronomy right now."

"I'm scared. Of everyone. I need to learn to deal with people better."

"I can't lose weight! I don't know how to deal with being any skinnier than I already am!"

"Trusting someone not to hurt idiotic is that?"

"I don't want to lose my only friend."

"Don't hurt Maka anymore. If something's bothering you, why not write a poem?" (raises sword) "We can write one together, okay?"

"I simply want to fight for you, Maka."

"Let's meet again, Maka."

"I'm here to help someone who's alway been there for me. I'm here to... I'm here to stop you Medusa!"

"Maka, please... d-don't cry. I'm happy now for the first time. I finally am... because you...were my friend. It's okay."

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