Shigure Sohma

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"If you lock someone up... In a dark room... For a long, long time... And mentally torture them... It leaves indelible scars."

"Haa-san... Has something that Aaya admires. He looks up to him... And adores him. Once a long time ago, he talked seriously to me about it. I guess--to put it simply--he LOVES him."

"I kid, I kid."

"Ohh? What is this, Haa-san? You're actually listening to my request without complaining at all? Could it be... You're secretly LOVEY-DOVEY with Tohru-kun? AM I RIGHT?! I AM RIGHT AREN'T I?!"

"Ritchan, next time put down your cereal before you launch into your violent confessions."

"There are times when it's safer not knowing."

"The two of them found their own happiness... And you're still all alone with only your unspoken feelings towards Hatori left to keep you company. Doesn't that make you feel lonely?"

"At any rate, from now on your on your own, Mayu-chan. I don't know how long it'll take... It is Haa-san we're talking about here. But since you've persisted in caring about him for this long, you should be okay."

"Break? For us, there's nothing left to break, is there?"

"And Yuki... Isn't the closed up little boy that he used to be. Now then... The fool who is making the biggest misunderstanding... Is WHO?"

"You're awfully desperate, aren't you? All this to help Hatsuharu."

"Now might be a good opportunity to let you know... You shouldn't make too much of guys like me. I wasn't particularly trusted by Akito, nor am I worth any special mention. I have no power... And little merit. I'm worthless. THE WORST KIND OF MAN."

"High school girls, high school girls, all for me, high school girls!"

"Sorry that's your cue to say "Shigure you perv" and roll your eyes, slap me, whatever."

"We've just witnessed a classic example of what I like to call "misdirected rage". Though I believe the technical term is being an ass."

"People aren't born social. Sure it comes easier to some people... but most people, like you, need to work at it. Some more than others. You're just inexperienced. For example, as a martial artist, you have the strength to break the table with your fist. But you also have the self-control to stop your fist right before it hits the table. You weren't born with that control, were you? You had to refine it. It's the same as interacting with people. But training for that isn't in the mountains - it has to be in town where people live. Mingling with people, hurting them, getting hurt by them. That's how you learn about people and about yourself. If you don't, you'll never care about anyone but yourself. You may be a black belt fighter, but you're still a white belt in dealing with people. For the sake of the girl who will one day tell you she loves you... Don't turn away. Keep training."

"I do love Akito... I love her then... I still do now."

"I yearn for you more than anyone else. I love you Akito... And that is the irrevocable unwavering truth."

"I'm ho-ome! Yuki-kun, Tohru-kun, I'm home! Oh, and let's not forget stupid-clumsy-Kyo-kun-who-lost-yet-another-fight!"

"Even I... know what it's like to be jealous."

"Mingling with people, hurting them,getting hurt by them. That's how you learn about people and about yourself."

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