5: We Laughed, We Laughed So Hard

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Hey everyone! Sorry about the uploads not being very frequent. It's been a very crazy month but things are settling down and chapters should be coming out at least twice a week.

This is one of two chapters that is being released over the weekend. Hopefully the ending of this chapter won't put you off. Anyway, on with the chapter! :-{ D
Ivy opened her eyes and smiled. Ivy sat up; looked to her left and saw Harley sleeping peacefully beside her. She looked so adorable.

"Today is the day I tell her my feelings" Ivy thought. Of course she was extremely nervous. She also had doubts. But she was confident enough. Ivy may not know exactly if Harley loved Ivy in that way. However, Ivy knows that they are very close. Because of this, it gave Ivy the courage to finally tell Harley. And she knows how to do it and when.

Ivy gently ran her fingers through Harley's soft blonde hair. She then moved a bit of Harley's hair away from her face so Ivy could see all of Harley's face. Harley looked so peaceful, so relaxed. It made Ivy happy that she was able to provide a positive, loving and warm home for her best friend.

"Harl" Ivy said softly with a smile. Harley groaned silently and moved a little. Ivy placed her hand on Harley's shoulder and and said her name, a bit louder. Harley slowly opened her eyes as she stretched. Her blue twinkling eyes was something Ivy loved seeing. "Hey red" Harley said, rubbing her eyes. Ivy laid back down, but closer to Harley. "What are we doing today red?" Harley asked. Ivy looked at Harley and started smiling. "I was thinking about us going to the cinema" Ivy suggested. Harley's face lit up. "Yeah!" Harley cheered. This caused Ivy to chuckle. "Come on, let's get breakfast" Ivy said and got out of bed.

Harley entered the kitchen wearing a long white shirt. Ivy turned round with two plates of breakfast in her hands. Harley smiled at Ivy. "I'm going to make you breakfast one day red" Harley stated, sitting down at the kitchen table. Ivy smirked and sat down.

Harley and Ivy arrived in Gotham at around five o'clock in the afternoon. The pair had spent the day doing different things from each other. Ivy needed to do some plant work around the house. Harley helped out for a while before spending her time drawing. Since starting a non crime life, Harley discovered a talent in drawing. To her surprise, she's really good. Ivy has only seen a few doodles but hasn't seen some of Harley's more detailed work. Ivy realised that this is very personal to Harley. One day, Harley will share her drawings with her. For now, Ivy will have to do with just a few doodles.

The pair got there tickets and went up to the food counter. They brought a large popcorn to share and two medium drinks. After paying, they headed to the screen. They say down near the back. The pair had the whole row to themselves. In fact, the screen wasn't very busy anyway.

There was however, a group of teenagers a few rows in front of Harley and Ivy. There were four of them and they was about eighteen years old. They were laughing a lot and just generally messing about.

Ivy kept her eye on them while Harley munched away at the popcorn and occasionally took a sip of her drink. Every so often, one or two of the teenagers looked behind at Harley and Ivy before facing forward and whispering something to each other. Ivy knew they were talking about her and Harley. It was making Ivy angry. The more she saw the teenagers whispering and laughing, the more angry Ivy got. For more than ten minutes, Ivy stared at the back of the teens heads.

Suddenly, Harley rested her head on Ivy's shoulder. Ivy immediately pulled her attention away from the teens and looked at Harley. "I love spending time with you red" Harley said. All of the negative feelings Ivy had, went. The soft and childlike voice alone relaxed Ivy.

"I love it too Harl. I love you living with me" Ivy replied truthfully and rested her head on top of Harley's. Ivy noticed the teens looking at her and Harley. Ivy just smiled and moved her eyes to the large cinema screen.

Harley and Ivy came out of the cinema a couple of hours later. The film was great but within the last twenty minutes of the film, Ivy noticed Harley had gotten a bit upset about something. Since then, Harley had hardly spoken. The pair walked to the car and got in. Five minutes went by. Ivy knew she had to find out what was bothering Harley. But she also knew she had to be soft and laid back. "Don't push her, if she doesn't want to talk then back off and let her tell you in her own time" Ivy said to herself.

"So uh, Harl... Did you enjoy the film?" Ivy asked. "Yeah, it was great..." Harley replied without much enthusiasm. "You okay? You seem to have gone quiet on me" Ivy said. "Sorry red... It's just that there was a scene in the film we watched that reminded me of something" Harley replied. "Oh?" Ivy answered in curiosity.

It went silent for a few moments before Harley went on. "A few years back, me and... Mister J broke into the museum to steal a new addition to an exhibit which was worth millions. We attempted to steal it but I triggered an alarm. After the alarm was triggered, we made a quick exit without getting caught. In the car, Mister J was angry... I don't blame him, it was my fault" Harley began. As Ivy drove, she listened closely to Harley. "I told him I was sorry... He then softened up. This was the first time he had ever calmed down after I did something wrong... He told me to chin up, we all make mistakes. Mister J then told me a joke to cheer me up and it was the funniest joke I have ever heard. We laughed, we laughed so hard. Silly thing is, I can't remember the joke now" Harley explained and sighed.

Ivy glanced over at Harley who was looking out of the window. "Do you still love him?" Ivy asked, facing forward. As soon as she asked the question, she started to get a bit worried by the reply. Harley did not reply straight away.

"No... I don't love him anymore, I hate him. I hate him for all the things he has done to me. It's funny, I was mad in love with him and now... Now I'm scared of him" Harley answered.

Ivy was relieved. Ivy extended her arm out for Harley to cuddle up with her. Harley did just that. "Sometimes, the past can be scary and something you wish it wasn't there for you to always remember... But they always say that the past isn't important. It's the present and the the future what's important. You being scared of The Joker is understandable. Always remember that I'm here for you. Whenever you need me, I'll be here for you" Ivy told Harley. "Thank you red... I don't know what to say, you're so nice to me" Harley said. "It's okay... It's because I care about you" Ivy replied. "I care about you more than you will ever know" Ivy added in her mind, deciding to hold out on telling her how she feels...
Sorry for the slight shift in the story in ending with with a low. This story will have a lot of highs with a few lows. Some lows will be bigger than others. I wanted this story to be very lighthearted for most parts but have dramatic bits in some parts. Just to keep things interesting and exciting. See you in the next chapter!

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