Chapter 18- A Date With Till Lindemann

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(Maisie's POV)

I woke the next morning to Till's tight arms around my waist and my face buried within his chest. 

I smiled to myself knowing I was with Till but I wished Till would admit his feelings.

Its so obvious now that he does love me but he's too scared to admit but its kinda cute at the same time. 

I managed to crawl out of Till's grip and I headed downstairs to make myself a brew. 

"DON'T COME INTO THE KITCHEN" Richard's voice echoed through me before I entered it "huh, Reesh, what's going on" I asked "nothing much" he said. 

Instead of talking to him about whatever the situation was; I decided to enter the kitchen myself. 

"Oh god Reesh, what have you done" I asked referring to all the spilled eggs and coffee upon the floor. 

"I tried to make breakfast but it failed bad" he laughed starting to clean the floor up.

"I can see, let me help" I offered grabbing a kitchen towel and started cleaning up. 

"So who were you making breakfast for" I asked "for the whole house" Reesh smiled "aw, you're so cute" I kissed Richard's head and threw the dirty kitchen towel in the laundry.

"Why do you think I'm so cute; I'm 49 years old who's gay and in love with his guitar partner" Richard laughed and hugged me.

"If I'm honest, I think all gay people are cute; you're just even cuter" I kissed his cheek he rolled his eyes and went to put the kettle back on. 

"Wanna a cup of coffee" Reesh asked as I sat on the island "yes please thank you" I smiled but my thoughts turned to last night and what Till was trying to ask. 

"Reesh, I need to talk to you" I said "what's up Mais" he asked walking towards me with a brew. 

"Its about Till" I said "oh, I wanna" Richard smiled and sat on a stool next to me.

"Well to be honest, you're the only one who knows I like him anyway he tried...oh how do I say it" I ran a finger through my hair.

"What you trying to say" he asked "basically...Till tried to ask me out last night" I said and I saw Reesh's eyes light up with happiness and joy.

"Oh my god, this is so good" Richard smiled spinning me around "I know but he was so nervous; in fact he got so nervous that he changed the subject to avoid asking me" I said.

"Don't worry Mais, I've decided to push the setups to today, it will be fine, I've got it figured out" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Okay Reesh, I trust you" I smiled and saw Paul enter the kitchen.

"Morning all" Paul smiled "morning Paulchen, I'm gonna leave you with Maisie; I need to talk to Till" Richard said winking at me "okay, I'm making breakfast" Paul smiled. 

Richard left the kitchen and I thought this would give me the perfect opportunity to tell him about the fake new clothes thing.

"Hey Paulchen, you know how I asked you about the clothes thing" I said "oh yeah, have you got a date" Paul asked walking over to me with a brew.

"Yes, today" I smiled "today, oh I don't know; I said I would work on some music" Paul sighed. 

"Please Paulie today because you love me so much" I begged "pretty please Paulie, it will be worth it" I begged hugging him tight.

"Oh alright Maisie, because its you" he poked me nose "yeah thank you Paulie, I love you" I kissed his cheek and ran upstairs to see Richard with Till and Flake on the floor.

"Hey Flake, you okay" I asked "yeah, I'm fine, Reesh knocked me over when I was going to the bathroom" he laughed as I helped him up.

"Oh, I'll have words" I said and skipped to my room to my closet. 

What should I wear for a date, ah I have the perfect thing; my thin black dress with my black converse cos I like to stay casual. 

"Maisie, can I come in" Richard asked behind my door "sure" I said and Richard walked in. 

"What's up" I asked laying my dress on my bed "Till has agreed to sort vocal arrangements out with me" he said winking.

"Great, Paul has agreed to come clothes shopping with me" I smiled.

"Excellent, so here are the plans; I've arranged Till to meet me outside the Ottenthal restaurant, you know where that is right" he asked.

"Yes I do, I've always wanted to go there" I smiled "aw, I'm so good and I need to arrange Paul to meet you outside the mall of Berlin" Reesh smiled.

"Great, these are excellent plans, what time are we meeting them" I asked "pretty much at the same time at 4:15pm" he smiled.

"Great, I need to get ready, tell Paul I'll meet him outside the mall of Berlin at 4:15pm" I smiled winking "I will, bye Maisie" Reesh kissed my head and left my room. 

After Richard left, I collapsed upon my bed and thought of Till and how I'm gonna be on a date with him. 

Maybe that rape incident wasn't so bad after all; okay it would have been if I had been raped but I've actually found love with Till, oh I can't wait.

I decided before I would get ready, I would have a bit of a nap because I was still tired so I curled up in my own bed and let sleep and dreams of Till take over.

A/N oh I wonder how the dates for Richard and Maisie will go, find out soon.   

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