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"Clear your mind." Yoda told her, Natalia nodded and exhaled, she closed her eyes and tried her best to clear her mind, but all she thought of was Grievous, and him laughing as she fell into space, all she thought of was Grievous steering his ship toward her, planning to kill her as they entered hyperspace on top of her, all she could think of was Grievous. "No!" She screamed, she stood up and took her lightsaber out, no one other than Yoda and Plo Koon were in the meditation chamber. "Forgive me Masters, I've just been a bit... Jumpy since the incident." Natalia admitted, "It is fine, Natalia. Let's just continue our meditation lesson." Plo Koon said, Natalia nodded and sat back on the cushion, crossing her legs and closing her eyes, this time her mind was clearer than ever.

She could see the room clearly, she could see the wrinkles on Yoda's face and she could see Plo Koon's strange eyes. "Masters, I can... see you." Natalia said quietly, Plo and Yoda looked at each other, "I can see the whole room." Natalia said, her eyes shot open. "This is progress." Plo said proudly, "First step to bring your sight back this is." Yoda said, Natalia smiled. "I must go, Masters. I will be back for midnight meditation." Natalia said, she bowed to the Jedi and walked out of the room. Natalia got into her fighter and headed to the Resolute, where her husband Anakin Skywalker was.

"Anakin, I'm coming on board." Natalia told Anakin through the comlink, "You better hurry, we're about to head back to Christophsis." Anakin said, "Okay, I'm in the hangar now." Natalia said as her fighter touched the ground in the hangar. "Why are we going back to Christophsis, Captain?" Natalia asked Captain Rex, "Senator Bail Organa needs our assistance to lift the blockade over the planet, they need supplies, General." Rex told her, Natalia grabbed the datapad Rex gave her and looked at it, "Hmm, this really doesn't look good." Natalia said, she ran up to the bridge and saw Anakin and Admiral Yularen contacting Bail Organa. She looked out of the window and saw they were already over Christophsis.

"Master Jedi and Admiral, we're low on food, medical supplies, and munitions. We need assistance." Senator Organa said, clearly desperate. "We'll help as much as we can, Senator. Please await our arrival and our troops." Natalia told him, but their signal started crashing and was soon cut off. "We're being hit!" Natalia yelled as she looked at the Separatist cruiser hitting their star destroyer.

"This isn't good." Anakin said, "Fire back!" Anakin yelled at the clones controlling the ship, "We're trying sir, but we've been overrun." The clone commander told him, "Over-fire the reactors immediately, we're going to charge the enemy." Anakin instructed the commanders. "Sir, another ship has become visible!" One of the clones yelled, Natalia focussed on the incoming ship, "It's Obi-Wan!" She exclaimed, "Oh, finally." Anakin said with a sigh. "Meet up with my cruiser behind the moon, I have something to show you." Obi-Wan said, he crossed his arms and stared at Anakin, "I'm sorry, Master, we can't. We're just about to charge the enemy." Anakin argued, "I think General Kenobi is right, I think we should. I want to see what he has to show us." Admiral Yularen insisted, "But-" Anakin started.

"Anakin, think about what's at stake here, look at this battle as a whole, not just winning. Winning takes strategy and planning, listen to Master Kenobi." Natalia said as she crossed her arms, "Yes, plus I'm sure you'll want to see this." Obi-Wan said with a smirk, Natalia crossed her arms and had an unpleased look on her face, "I'm so sorry General Schulter." Obi-Wan said, just remembering she's blind. "It's fine." She said with a light laugh.

"Let's go." Natalia said sharply, "You heard the General, let's meet up with General Kenobi behind the moon." Anakin instructed the clones, "Yes sir." They said, they steered the ship to behind the moon and met up with Kenobi's cruiser. Obi-Wan docked the Resolute. "What's this new toy?" Anakin asked as he walked into the hangar, "You're standing in front of it." Obi-Wan said with a smile, "Is this some sort of cruel joke?" Natalia asked, her mouth slightly ajar. "No of course not, watch." Obi-Wan said, he pressed a button and a ship revealed itself.

"A cloaking device?!" Natalia asked, she smiled and looked at Anakin, he was admiring the new fighter. "I'm excited to be taking out clankers with this beauty." Anakin said as he clutched his fist. But Obi-Wan shook his head, "No, you're new mission is to sneak past the blockade and get the supplies to the surface, so you can assist Senator Organa." Obi-Wan told him. "Oh come on." Anakin said while rolling his eyes, "Look, every little thing helps the Republic." Natalia reassured him, Anakin sighed and walked away, to retrieve the supplies, "Knowing us this mission will turn into an offensive mission anyway." Natalia said with a slight laugh, Anakin laughed with her.

Soon all of the supplies were loaded and Natalia and Anakin were about to board the ship but they were stopped by Admiral Yularen. "Wait! I have information!" Yularen yelled, "What is it, Admiral?" Anakin asked, "This symbol, it looked familiar so I did some research and found it belongs to Admiral Trench." Yularen said.

"If I'm correct, didn't he die during the Battle of Malastare?"

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