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"Pull back, draw them out, if we can draw them out we can see them!" Rex instructed, "All squads pull back now!" Natalia yelled at the troops, the squads started pulling back as the Umbarans started coming out more, explosions shook the ground as the Umbarans let down more bombs. Luckily Krell sent AT-RT drivers as reinforcements, to save their skins. To Natalia's surprise the Umbarans pulled back and started retreating, "Keep doing what you're doing boys!" Natalia told the clones, they continued firing and the Umbarans either got away and retreated or were killed attempting to flee. "CT-7567, do you have a malfunction in your design?! You pulled your forces back from taking the capital city! The enemy now has control of this route, this entire upper region has been compromised because of your failure!" Krell yelled, "And you! I expected better from you, General Schulter! Maybe you should go back to the Temple and be on cleanup duty you're so goddamn useless! Both of you!" Krell yelled in anger, but Fives finally had enough. "General, in case you haven't noticed they just saved our lives back there! Surely you won't FAIL to recognize THAT." Fives snapped at Krell.

"ARC-5555... Stand down." Krell threatened as he pulled out his lightsaber, Fives started panicking and Natalia lost it, "Using your lightsaber as a threat is against the Jedi Republic, surely you wouldn't fail to recognize that rule!" Natalia shouted at Krell, "Sir, yes sir." Fives said quietly as he walked away, Krell turned his lightsaber off and turned to Natalia, "Mind your own business, General." He said as he shoved Natalia. "Sir, may I address your accusation, I followed your orders, I followed your bloody plan, which in my opinion was severely flawed, the plan that cost us men, not clones, men! As sure it is my duty to remain loyal to your command, I also have another duty. To protect those men." Rex yelled at Krell, Natalia looked at Rex admiringly, he had a flare of passion, and security toward his brothers, and he stood up for what was right.

Krell nodded respectfully at Rex, "You have a spark of tenacity, Captain, I'll give you that. I know that I don't command like the Jedi you're used to serving, certainly not like General Skywalker or General Schulter, but I have my way. It may be difficult but these are difficult times, and it's proven effective. I suppose your loyalty to your men is to be commended, they seem to admire this, it's important to an effective commander. Alright, Captain Rex, your opinion has been noted. Dismissed." Krell told the clones as, he shoved Natalia out of the way as he stalked away, Natalia lost her balance and bumped into Fives, "Sorry, ARC trooper." Natalia said, Fives laughed at her clumsiness. "I think he almost complimented you." Fives said with a slight laugh, "It's hard to tell." Rex said with a sigh, "Incoming!" Natalia yelled as an explosive came their way, as soon as it touched the ground it exploded. 

"The Umbarans must have regrouped for a counterattack." Rex commented, "Everyone stay in position!" Natalia yelled, "Do you think General Krell intends on taking the capital city with this tactic?" Fives asked Rex, "Gee, I don't know. I'll get back to you on that if we survive this battle." Rex said sarcastically. 

The battle was on again.

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