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Pulling the front door open, jimin greeted yoongi with a hug

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Pulling the front door open, jimin greeted yoongi with a hug. he ushered the older further into his home and quickly locked the door behind him.

"you're breaking all of your dad's rules." yoongi smiled as jimin came closer towards him and slid off his hoodie.

as soon as jimin hung up with his father, he ran to text yoongi the good news. he pleaded for the older to come around to his house by eight so they could hang out.

it wasn't like jimin wasn't allowed to have friends, much less people over. he just wasn't allowed to have people over when his parents weren't around. it had always been that way, and up until now, jimin always respected that.

"if my dad were my age and your friend, he'd break his rules too." jimin have a sly smile and slung yoongi's back over his shoulder. he motioned for the boy to follow his lead, leading him to his room down the hall.

"is that what we are?" yoongi mused, "friends?" he watched jimin open the door and walk into the room. keeping up whatever act he was putting on, he leaned his shoulder against the door frame.

"you can come in, you know." jimin dodged the question, but it was clear he heard it from the way his eyes couldn't meet yoongi's.

jimin didn't go around just kissing everyone. granted, he had more than a few run ins with a certain senior from his old school, but that was really it.

he was experienced, but not an expert.

flirting came with ease for him, and he never really got flustered around people when doing so. yoongi, on the other hand, was the exception. there was something about him that jimin just wanted to please. so whenever the older would make suggestive comments, jimin had to control himself to not say anything dumb or detrimental.

yoongi stepped further into the room and shut the door behind him. he looked back at jimin, checking to see if the action was okay. "it's fine," he smiled in reassurance and wrung his hands together.

he got yoongi into his home, but that was far as his plan went. he wasn't sure what he wanted to do.

"i'm sorry," jimin said as yoongi took a seat beside him on the bed, "i didn't really have any plans. i just didn't want to be alone, i guess." he admitted, finally bringing himself to look at his guest for the first time tonight.

"and you're my only friend in the neighborhood, so i figured we could hang out." he watched as yoongi's face changed from understanding to devious in under seconds. he was confused at first until the older shuffled a bit closer, their knees knocking.

"there you go with that word again; friends." yoongi sucked at his teeth and shook his head. he averted his eyes from jimin's growing red face and looked around his cozy room.

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