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Wednesday morning, jimin woke up feeling as if a weight had been dropped onto his head

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Wednesday morning, jimin woke up feeling as if a weight had been dropped onto his head. the nightmares he'd woken up from several times within the night were so vivid, he broke out in cold sweats and irregular breathing. his eyes opened slowly, squinting against the sun that was shining through his window, and he couldn't remember a single detail from his nightmares.

he then froze, heart beating as if he'd just broken out of another dream of gore and death. the sunlight was entering his room. his blinds are curtains were drawn away from his window. jimin sat up abruptly, a headache pounding behind his eyes at the sudden action. he'd been adamant on keeping his blinds down and his window closed. he hadn't seen his room this alit since the first week he'd moved.

his hands that were curled tightly around his sheets loosened their grasp as he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation. surely, one of his parents must've come in earlier and parted the curtains and blinds so he could wake up. that was the only plausible reason, he convinced himself that was the only possibility.

regaining his wits, jimin began his daily routine of a fresh shower and brushing his teeth. he could hear his father in the kitchen cooking breakfast and waved to his mother as she passed him down the hall. by the time he was all washed up and fully awake, the incident of his window had completely left his mind.

most of jimin's body felt tingly and fuzzy. he'd been in a good mood since last weekend, where he spent quality time getting to know yoongi and vise versa. if he had a choice, jimin wouldn't have left so soon. unfortunately, his mother was getting back from her morning shift and his father was scheduled to return home the day after. still, jimin wouldn't have done anything differently.

"i made a vegetable omelette," jimin's father smiled widely as his son strode into the kitchen, greeting him with a short hug. they had been on much better terms since the week before—his father even apologized for how he reacted, giving the same old speech about he only wanted the best for jimin. "can't i just have cereal?" jimin pouted, scrunching his nose up at the pan where the egg was sizzling.

"only if you put vegetables in it." his dad joked, grabbing the spatula from the cabinet. "am i a crackhead? why would i do that?" jimin scoffed and shook his head, watching as his father continued cooking and making sure the egg remained fluffy.

"i don't know," he flipped the egg over on itself, "do i have to test you?"

fake laughing, jimin got onto his tippy-toes to reach the tier their bowls were. he'd gotten his height from his mother, unfortunately, and for some unbeknownst reason, his dad insisted on putting everything on top shelves. jimin nearly hyperextended his hamstring while attempting to get his fingertips to brush the ceramic bowl.

with his right leg hoisted onto the counter and his left arm with a death grip on the cupboard door, he was finally able to retrieve a bowl from where it mocked him. he was panting, a sweat having broken out at the edge of his hairline, and as he turned around to glare at his father, the man was happily humming and finishing up his cooking with his back turned to jimin; he was completely unaware.

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