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Jimin came for bodies

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Jimin came for bodies.

everywhere he went, heads turned. every step he took, people dropped dead to the emerald, marble floor. the short heels of his shoes clicking underneath him in time with the sway of confidence in his hips entranced every living person in his vicinity.

jimin came for bodies, and he was leaving no survivors.

he was having the time of his life, as well. he weaved in and out of the large pillar columns in admiration. yoongi had known just as much about materials as he did flowers, it seemed, as he told jimin the design of the venue. having an eye for interior design, yoongi pointed out the columns jimin was so awed over were made of olympian marble.

"it's the same material as my bathroom floor," yoongi informed, watching jimin fondly. they were both oblivious to the attention jimin was attracting all on his own, lost in their own world of solomonic inspired architecture and glimmering after-finishes.

across from the serpentine pillars, jimin spotted his and yoongi's friends over by a large portait display. taehyung wasn't with the four, so he must've been chatting with people he invited. "prince," yoongi nodded his head over to the direction of the group, letting the younger know that he'd noticed them as well.

butterflies flittered at the base of jimin's stomach as they neared. they weren't out of anxiousness, so much as they were a result of his buzzing happiness. "jimin!" seokjin exclaimed brightly, giving a wide smile before he embraced the shorter in a warm hug. he made sure to use the arm that was without a wine glass in his hand.

each of them, excluding jeongguk, had a glass of wine in their hands. namjoon and jin's a deep burgundy color whereas hoseok's was a bubbly white. "where'd you get the champagne?" yoongi asked hoseok, once everyone finished saying hello to jimin.

the two quickly engaged in a conversation, leaving jimin to the other three. "i wanted to thank you," he begun, facing seokjin whose back was to the art, "these clothes are gorgeous."

"that was all taehyung, i just bought them." seokjin explained, surprising jimin only slightly. taehyung hadn't said anything to him about it earlier, and he would've thanked the younger boy if he had known.

"and by the looks of it, everyone must be thanking both tae and jin." namjoon chuckled deeply, the rim of the glass at his lips with his eyes peering over the clear crystal. he looked around the room, amused at all the intrigued and longing glances jimin was receiving.

"can you believe they've only known you for a few weeks and bought you an entire outfit, yet when i ask for a burger taehyung gives me a slice of bread with ground beef in the middle?" jeongguk shook his, a light smile playing on his lips as he spoke. he clearly wasn't upset, but if not for his tone and expression jimin would have felt bad for him.

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