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        Harry and I fell asleep last night talking on the phone, until one of us got too tired to the point one of us would hang up. I was the first to get tired. I didn't want to hang up though, I enjoyed talking to Harry, the more I talked to him, the more I got to know about him, even if it's just little things. 

    I learned that is favorite pizza topping is pepperoni, his favorite Ice Cream flavor is  Christmas Pudding, but they only sell that in his hometown. I learned alot more, and he learned a lot about me. I told him I would eat pepperoni pizza, but I usually pick off the pepperoni before eating the pizza, which he teased me about. 

    I had awoken from my deep sleep by my alarm clock I set. I set a few. I don't like to sleep all day, I feel like I miss the entire day if I do so, the latest I will sleep in is ten o'clock. I turn my alarm clock off, then looking to see if I had notifications other than twitter and Instagram. Nothing.

   I slowly roll out of bed, going to my suitcase and picking out my outfit for today. I chose to go with some Nike tights, and an over sized, light sweater. I put my straight hair into a messy bun, then heading to my desk to apply my usual makeup. After I'm done, I head downstairs to have breakfast with everyone else. 

   As I walk down stairs I can smell the bacon, fruit, and eggs. I inhale deeply, enjoying the smell that was making my stomach rumble. I take my seat next to my father and Julia. My father greets me with a kiss on my head, followed by a smile. I smile back. 

   "How did it go last night?" My father asked. I felt a little weird talking about it to my father, I never really talked to him about boys before, let a lone famous ones. I could feel Julia and Charlie's eyes on me as well, wanting to know desperately. 

    "It was actually pretty great, dad." I reply, grabbing some eggs and bacon, and a few spoons of fruit. "It was the most fun I've had in a while. Harry is a really nice guy, and I enjoy spending time with him."

     "i'm glad you had a nice time." He said, taking a bite out of his bacon. "He must of left an impression on you." He says with a smile. Before I had time to reply, Julia decided to chime in. 

    "Oh, you have no idea." She replies, smirking to herself. I look at her, my eyes wide, she just laughs, shrugging it off. 

    "I think it's sweet." Charlie joins. "She finally feels really happy for once in her life right?" She says looking at me. I thin my lips, then nod. My father smiles. 

    "So I was thinking." My father began, trying to change the subject. "Maybe we could go out this afternoon to the strand. Take you to your favorite shops, buy you a few things, then maybe get some dinner afterwards?"

    My father always felt it was necessary to take me to my shops and buy me a 'few' things. I always argue with him, telling him he doesn't need to spend his money on me, I know he has to provide for Charlie and Julia. They deserve it more. But, no matter how hard I try, he doesn't take no for an answer. 

   "Sure, dad." I reply, letting out a small laugh. He out his fist up, mouthing 'Yeah.' I just shook my head at him. 

    After breakfast, we all helped clean the kitchen and do the dishes. Then I waited downstairs for every body else to get ready. I sat in silence, until I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out, discovering I had a text from Harry. 

    Styles: Good morning sunshine

    Me: Good Morning Mr. Styles

    Styles: What are you up too today?

    Me: My family and I are going to the strand to shop, then dinner.

    Styles: Hey! The boys and I are going there too. In a few minutes actually.

Summer Love~ Harry Styles [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now